Yesterday, I responded by email to some questions from a concerned citizen. I think visitors to my blog would find questions and my responses helpful. My answers are in red.

  1. I guess I understand a little of what you are saying about there not being an actual test to show something is a virus. So, in essence, none of the viruses ever, were or could be proven to be viruses? Right? Correct!
  2. Is it just bacteria that has either been made/engineered to wreak havoc or something else? Nothing is made. They think they made something, but that is their imagination or illusion. Scientifically, there is nothing to show.
  3. What is the actual job of a virologist then? To create pretty pictures? So far, yes!
  4. What does the process used in this case actually prove? (Nothing) When they swab the nose for virus, etc? Cell Culture, Limiting Dilution, and Virus Isolation ( Nothing. I critically evaluated the referenced article concluding that the virus has not been isolated. I hope you will be able to follow the article. I have written it, avoiding the technical jargon. I will be happy to explain further if needed. (link)
  5. Has the Covid19 ever been inserted into a healthy person (Never) and been proven (kochs methods) to cause covid19? (Never)

People, including medical and pharmaceutical experts, mistakenly believe that the ball with the spikes is real and exists. However, not realize it is a computer-generated imaginary figure like a unicorn, flying cow, fairy, etc. The literature does not provide any scientific or experimental evidence of its existence in the real world. So, mask or no-mask, distance or no-distance, vax or no-vax, PCR or no-PCR, etc., make your choice for yourself wisely and live freely and happily.

Further details (12)

Q: How many people died of COVID?

A: 0 (zero)

Explanation: COVID is a name of an illness or disease claimed to be caused by a virus. However, the virus has never been found, seen, or isolated from any animal or human source. It is an irrefutable scientific fact. Therefore, people cannot die of the virus or COVID.

So, if one has symptoms, what would one be sick of then? Several possibilities, including now commonly described in medical literature, a parasitic infection. Therefore, get appropriately tested, avoiding a PCR test. A PCR test is not a virus test and may result in misdiagnosis and/or treatment.

Further details (1, 2)

It is bizarre that people, including experts, keep assuming that the cause of illness or pandemic is a virus when there has been no evidence, neither by testing nor by so-called treatment (vaccines).

There is no test available to show the presence or absence of the virus – the PCR test or any related test is not a virus test. Vaccines have demonstrated a lack of effectiveness, i.e., vaccinated people show similar symptoms, labeled as “breakthrough cases,” based on the same irrelevant and false PCR test, and require the same preventive practices as the unvaccinated.  

Have people completely lost their logical thinking ability, or is it something else? Certainly, science is absent!

For further reading (1, 2, 3)

Scientists and virologists use the word “isolate” for isolation – very important to watch for this mix-up.

Virologists appear to have been taught that “isolate” means virus or isolated virus, which is incorrect. “virus isolate” and “isolated virus” are two very different things. As an analogy, “virus isolate” is chicken soup, not chicken (”isolated virus”). Yet, medical professionals and virologists describe and promote chicken soup as chicken. This is where the confusion is. For a more detailed explanation, please see here (link)

Literature related to virus isolation describes this aspect in a  convoluted and confusing way. However, surprisingly, one publication (link) clearly (without hiding) describes what is being isolated, stating, “In this study, we describe the isolation and genome sequencing of two SARS-CoV-2 isolates from infected humans in Turkey” (note not the virus). Scientifically, one determines and establishes the RNA sequence, and by extension, the associated virus not of the “isolate” (soup). It is unclear whether experts are ignorant about the difference or intentionally deceiving the public, but they certainly make a false scientific claim.

In general, all the publications use the same approach, i.e., they isolate the “virus isolate” but never the virus. You may find my review of one such publication from the CDC (link).

So, in short, the virus has never been isolated, identified, and characterized. Therefore, all claims and pictures of the virus one see in literature are imaginary and computer-generated, not reality or scientific. Hence, all claims about the existence of the virus must immediately be withdrawn.