Yesterday, I responded to a question received through LinkedIn. Considering my response would be helpful to the visitors to this site, I am sharing it here as well.

Question: Does your background and resources allow you to perform such an isolation?

Response: I am a retired and now a freelance scientist. Therefore, I lack needed laboratory resources. However, given the resources and my background, yes, it is possible to isolate the virus.

Scientifically and technically, I would not say it would be a piece of cake to isolate the virus but a relatively easy job to do. However, the issue would be that the virus has to exist to be isolated. Unfortunately, there is no evidence provided in the literature that it exists.

I would further explain this with the following analogy, i.e., if someone asked me to extract/isolate gold, believing that a given large piece of land contains a significant amount of gold. I or anyone else would ask how it is considered that gold exists in the land. In response, they would show me a test, and its report/results establishing the gold’s existence there. That is from where I would take over and work on extracting/isolating the gold.

Similarly, in the medical/virus area, isolating the virus requires a valid test and report to show that it is there. Unfortunately, there is no such test available at present. Instead, everything is imaginary, or based on word of mouth. Mainly, some published computer-generated photographs without any control or reference are presented. Hence, it is not possible to isolate the virus. No wonder no one has isolated the virus.

So, in short, a virus can be isolated easily. First, however, it has to exist. Second, there has to be a test or measurable (biochemical or pharmacological) parameter to indicate the presence of the virus.

The PCR test is a fraud – it is a scientific fact.

However, why is it taking long to figure this out? Because “experts” drag RNA/DNA, genome, sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and so-called “science of medicines” into it, which confuses people and forces them to accept and believe whatever gibberish/garbage is thrown at them.

On the other hand, if one considers the PCR test, like any test, the fraud would be exposed immediately. The reason being, a test cannot be developed for anything if a specimen (reference standard) of such is unavailable. As the samples of  RNA and virus (SARS-COV-2) are not available, the test cannot be developed. This is not an opinion but a scientific fact and requirement.

If someone says that they have a test or developed the test for RNA or virus, they must show where the specimen was obtained. In the case of SARS-COV-2 (and others), no purified isolated sample is available. Hence there cannot be a valid test. Anyone saying otherwise is lying. There is no need to indulge in sequencing the RNA, genome, viruses, or variants and their varieties. It is all irrelevant and useless to the testing and/or diagnosis.

If there is no reference standard available, then there cannot be a test. Period! It is the law of science, which is being violated!

How could the FDA recent letter, Letter of Authorization [1], be considered FULL APPROVAL when the document clearly and repeatedly uses the term EUA (Emergency Use Authorization)? The document ends with a statement,

“This EUA will be effective until the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of the emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic is terminated under Section 564(b)(2) of the Act or the EUA is revoked under Section 564(g) of the Act.”  Continue here

If FDA approves or disapproves something, it is assumed that it has to be good or bad, respectively, based on its scientific merit. However, unfortunately, FDA assessments, in general, are not based on science at all. It would be hard to believe, but it is a fact that cannot be denied.

For example, it is generally believed that the FDA establishes the quality of the pharmaceutical products and their safety and efficacy by extension. It is a false claim or belief. FDA never defines the quality of a, or any, product. Obviously, if a parameter is not defined, it cannot be measured or established. (link)

The current situation of approving vaccines (full or otherwise) follows the same criteria. The claims have been made that vaccines are effective against the virus or COVID. However, vaccines have never been tested against the virus or COVID. No one has isolated or seen the virus, so how could something be tested against it – it can’t be. A marketing tactic to promote untested products. (link).

The CDC did not work with any (patient) swab samples or virus isolates for developing or validating the PCR test but with a mixture of a suspension of human cells and a viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimens. The VTM often contains several ingredients such as Hanks balanced salt solution, and heat-inactivated FBS (fetal bovine serum), gentamicin sulfate, and amphotericin B. This mixture was spiked with synthetic and lab-processed particles of a chemical compound, RNA (in CDC’s terminology, “characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA”) to assume as the SARS-COV-2 virus*. The chemical compound or particles have no link to the COVID virus, illness, or patients. This spiked mixture is used as a reference standard for the SARS-COV-2 virus, i.e., the CDC gold (reference) standard. So, CDC and others test providers look for the synthetic and lab-processed particles and tell that they are testing for the SARS-COV-2 virus.

Not only do the particles have no link to the virus, but the nature of the PCR test is such that it can detect the same or similar particles (“cases”) from different sources. Another way of saying the same thing is that the PCR test has no specificity and validity. That is why the CDC makes repeated disclaimers, in the document (Page 3, 10 & 38), concerning the lack of accuracy of the test.

*Source: CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (link), p. 40

Yesterday someone asked a question about the meaning of isolating the virus. I am sharing the question and my reply here, considering that it would be helpful to the visitors of this blog as well.

Question: Can you please help me understand what is the meaning of isolating the virus? I mean, what does it mean? How should it be done?

Reply: Isolating or extracting something means separating it from other components usually present in the natural environment. It is a standard process or practice to obtain a purified component for further study or larger use. For example, most, if not all, metals such as gold, copper, uranium are isolated/extracted from their ores.

The process of isolation may be explained as follows.  If one takes sugar cane, crushes it, squeezes it to get the juice out, and then concentrates it by boiling. Leaving the concentrate at room temperature will result in the crystallization of sugar as pure white particles. Thus, the process would be called the isolation of sugar from sugar cane.

Concerning the virus, it means that the virus has been separated from the content of the swab sample. In the end, virus as particles should be available in a test tube or vial.  This purified specimen should be used to develop test methods, study illness, and develop treatments, including vaccines.

Unfortunately, this isolation part for the virus has never been done. Hence no pure isolated specimen is available. Therefore, neither tests for the virus can be developed nor the treatments, including vaccines.

Stating otherwise is simply spreading misinformation and promoting fake science.