It is both logical and common sense to expect that if a particular material is claimed to exist then its presence must be established using valid and well-recognized practices and laws of science. For example, if it is suggested that a certain geographical area may provide a significant amount of minerals such as gold or oil then that mineral must be extracted, isolated, and characterized before proceeding with large-scale production for public benefit and commercial gains. The same understanding has to be applied in other areas including the medical and pharmaceutical areas.

At present, the world is allegedly in the grip of a serious and widespread disease (pandemic) referred to as COVID-19 caused by a virus labeled as SARS-CoV-2. Hence, there is purportedly an urgent need for a treatment for this disease. Commensurately, it is important to note that the medical community has declared with apparent certainty that the disease (COVID-19) exists and is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. [click here to continue]

Edited and revised for clarity and grammatical improvements on November 5th, 2020.

If scientists and health care professionals, including physicians and pharmacists, at the regulatory authorities had paid attention to false testing practices and requirements for pharmaceuticals, current pandemic would never have happened. Basis of virus and pandemic is “testing” developed and implemented by experts with no or limited expertise in the area of testing resulted in false conclusions and declaration of the virus just like persistence false claims about the quality (by extension safety and efficacy) of the approved and marketed pharmaceuticals (12).

It is impossible to get out this situation until analytical science (testing) and its principles are allowed to be followed. Fearmongering and censorship have always been tried like at present to protect the status quo and the “experts” however they always fail – so will be this time as well.

Consider conducting testing based on relevant and true scientific principles.

Observing the discussions on the LinkedIn forums, it appears that there is much less activity and debate about the relevancy and credibility of the tests/testing. One can safely assume that it is generally being recognized and accepted now that testing or tests have been scientifically irrelevant, hence grossly misrepresented the presence of virus and/or spread of its associated infection/disease.

Certainly, there are reported “cases”, which really mean not much as they are reflections of PCR and/or antibodies tests. The “cases” are promoted as to represent virus and/or COVID-19, which scientifically speaking is a lie. The tests represent non-specific fragments of RNA/DNA or proteins, not the virus or infection. In scientific terminology, tests have never been validated for the virus or infection. The reason this misrepresentation occurred is that the subject of testing (developing and validating tests) was dealt by people and disciplines unrelated to the area of testing resulting in disastrous damage to the societies and notoriety to the science. To protect from further damage the testing for the “cases” should immediately be stopped.

There is an urgent need for assigning appropriate experts and expertise for monitoring the virus and infections to avoid the spread of current and future false pandemics along with the associated hysteria and fearmongering.

Note that I have been blocked from LinkedIn participation. Therefore, I will only be contributing through my blog. Please visit the blog often for current and accurate scientific information on the subject and send your queries as usual by email (

Update: The restriction has been lifted. Thankfully!

It appears that currently, LinkedIn is under the heavy influence of anti-science and anti-logic voices, which are very strong and loud. Therefore, the restriction may be reinstated. Thank you for your support through this brief but stressful and frustrating period. I strongly believe that science will win soon over the current hoopla and nonsensical claims of THE virus testing.

Please read below for recent posts. Thanks.

Experts and authorities consider that one of the solutions for ending the current pandemic is attaining natural herd immunity against the coronavirus. Different percentages of populations have been suggested to attain the “required” herd immunity. Question is how this herd immunity would be measured and established. At present, usually, two criteria are used to detect coronavirus infection; (1) mostly by observing flue-like symptoms and (2) chemical testing based on antibody and/or PCR (RNA/DNA) tests.

Obviously, if one gets immunity, one will not be showing symptoms of the infection, which is simply impossible because one can show symptoms because of any number of other ailments including flu. Secondly, immunity is checked or confirmed with the above-mentioned tests which are known to be flawed and invalid and can easily show negatives against immunity. Therefore, under the current infection scenario public will always be CONSIDERED prone to infections and will remain in fear/isolation. This perhaps may be the objective here which happens to benefit both – the experts and some businesses. It should be important to note that at present detection and monitoring of virus (SARS-CoV2) and its associated disease or infection (COVID-19) remains speculative at least scientifically. This is something that needs to be considered in the future for an appropriate and genuine solution by examining and auditing the underlying diagnosis practices and the science of virus testing.

During the current pandemic crisis, the use of face masks has been promoted as a protective gear to halt or reduce the virus’s transfer (coronavirus such as SARS-CoV-2) from individuals to individuals. The public has strong trust in experts and their organizations, particularly government ones, hence assumes that the experts’ and authorities’ suggestions and claims would have merit and scientific basis.

Unfortunately, this is not reality. Furthermore, authorities claim and promote that they rely on science and factual data in providing their recommendations, which is also not correct either at least scientifically.

The usefulness of wearing face masks can be established with a straightforward laboratory experiment. For example, one can build and use a two-chamber container separated by a mask holder (shown in the picture), providing airflow with virus from one side to the other. By sampling both sides of the chamber and measuring the amounts of virus, one can quickly determine the virus holding capability of the mask or any other filtering media. However, no such experiment has neither been reported nor planned to be conducted.

The reason being, such an experiment requires some quantity of actual virus and a test method to quantify the virus. Note that there would not be any human subjects requirement, i.e., no human toxicity or safety concerns. This would be a simple high school or undergraduate level laboratory testing which could be done within days. However, this is where the problem is!

Experts do not tell the public that both of these, i.e., actual virus and a valid test to monitor the virus, are NOT available, which will collapse the whole virus and pandemic issue. The public will know or question that if there is no actual virus and/or its valid test available, then what are the basis of claiming the virus’s existence and/or its associated disease (COVID-19). There will not be any answers!

Similar simple experiments can also be devised to establish sanitizers use, hand washing, and social distancing. However, none of these experiments can be conducted either because they require a valid test and/or a reference virus sample.

In short, scientists and experts should not promote the usefulness of wearing masks and other related trivial precautionary practices lacking scientific evidence/support, which creates unwarranted fearfulness in public and a false sense of safety. On the other hand, indeed, scientists and experts may start losing their professional credibility.

To kill the virus obviously it is essential to find and establish ITS presence in humans first.

Does anyone, including scientists and experts, has seen, detected and/or monitored THE virus (SARS-CoV2) in humans? Please share the information as to where it has been seen and how it has been detected and measured. To substantiate the claim please provide the method validation data/report showing that indeed THE virus has been identified and quantified appropriately, accurately and scientifically. Your help will be greatly appreciated in this regard.

Note that without confirming the presence of the virus (SARS-CoV2) in humans it is not possible to develop a remedy including a vaccine. Hence such information is urgently needed.

PS: Please avoid suggesting tests for non-specific protein and/or RNA/DNA fragments tests (aka antibody, PCR tests) – tests for virus ONLY are to be suggested.

Thank you

Clinical trials are specific type of tests in which products or treatments are tested using human subjects. Such trials should be conducted under the management of analytical science or laboratory with scientifically valid protocols. Unfortunately, however, at present trials are conducted in non-analytical science facilities and supervision often with invalid study protocols and interpretations. Approved products based on such trials would provide false assurance of safety, efficacy and quality of the tested products. Patients and public should be aware of current flawed scientific practices in this regard. On the other hand, if such evaluations are conducted with appropriate and scientifically valid and proven approaches, one could not only avoid false mishaps but also develop treatments and cure far more expeditiously and cost effectively. click here or here to read complete article