This is one of the better presentations (Link)I have watched concerning the marketing of the COVID-19  vaccine, indicating the involvement of a foreign country. It is pretty scary. It is worth watching.

However, my main concern is her (Dr. Wolf’s) reliance on technical/scientific data interpretation by the (medical) experts, which is unfortunately inaccurate.

She talked about the spike protein (distribution, metabolism, and excretion) at the beginning (around 12 min) of her presentation. Unfortunately, this is how medical experts understand and describe it, but this is not scientifically correct. There cannot be a virus spike protein available or present. No one has a specimen of it as it can only be obtained from the COVID-19 virus, which no one has isolated.

That is why it is so difficult to decipher the fraud because, most of the time, people assume that medical experts know the science behind viruses and vaccines. This is, unfortunately, not true. Virology (virus isolation, identification) and the mRNA, spike protein, and vaccine can only be understood appropriately with a strong chemistry/science background. The experts lack knowledge and training in the relevant science. Hence, they were fooled, and it is impossible to get out of by using the same approach that created the situation. For example, scientifically, it was very clear from the start that:

  1. There is no virus. Therefore, there can’t be an associated RNA or spike protein available.
  2. Without the availability of the virus, RNA, or spike protein, developing a test or detecting them is impossible. Therefore, there cannot be COVID-19. Period!
  3. As no virus specimen is available, developing an appropriate valid vaccine or any other treatment is impossible. Indeed, vaccines have been developed without testing in COVID-19 patients, as no patients were available.
  4. Science/chemistry clearly described the authorities’ inappropriate and invalid assessment of the mRNA vaccine before their introduction.

All have been described clearly and extensively based on well-established scientific/chemical principles here (Helpful Notes) and are now summarised and explained in a recently published book. Please have a look.

There have been a few debates between virus and non-virus camps concerning the virus’s (SARS-COV-2) existence and its isolation. However, a clear consensus (winners/losers) is lacking, but both parties claim to win. Why is it so? However, one thing is clear dodgy and fake science is certainly getting exposed.

The virus camp, which takes a judge’s role, does not debate but forces its understanding of virology, notably about the isolation and existence of the virus. For example: (Continue here)

I responded to a question received through email. Considering my response would be helpful to this site’s visitors, I am also sharing it here.

Concerning your question, “I wasn’t able to find material there to help me with the questions related to the subject of what happened to the flu.”

It is difficult, if not impossible, to give a definite answer to the question because of the lack of data and reference standards (flu virus) and then the funny “science” at the authorities, like the CDC and FDA. However, below I provide you with the most likely scenario for the disappearance of the flu (e.g., see here link, link).

Everything associated with a virus is based on PCR testing. However, by definition, these tests are scientifically invalid or false. This is because the tests never detect any virus, but a small fragment supposedly from the virus RNA. However, these fragments could be from many other sources, such as healthy body cell degradation, bacteria, the food we consume, the test itself (e.g., choice of test threshold cycles), etc. Therefore, such tests can mostly give false positives/negatives.

Another reason, not commonly understood or described, for the test results’ fakeness is the primer choice. The outcome of test results depends on the choice of a primer. In a simple analogy, one may consider a primer as a “bait” to selectively seek a pre-defined target (the RNA fragment).

Therefore, if one likes to see or ignore a particular “virus,” one can add or remove a particular primer. For example, after the COVID-19 vaccination, when it did not work, presumably, they changed the primer to detect a different “version” of the virus. They called it variants like delta, omicron, etc., described with the mutation narrative. It is just one of the tricks they play with.

Concerning the flu, it is quite possible that either they changed the primer or, more likely, got busy with COVID-19 primer or testing. More likely, the chosen primer overlapped with the flu one and was not recorded as flu. This made the flu disappear. However, the flu may reappear shortly when the primer is switched (labeled) back with the old or new primer.

Virus testing is a selective exercise depending on a particular primer used. That is why, as some said, jokingly how intelligent the viruses or variants are; they come only one at a time. It is just because desire (policy) of the authorities as to what they like us (the public) to see and when, and then throw a specific primer (for an imaginary virus or variant) into it, and voila, that “virus” or RNA starts appearing in the population (e.g., see here link, link). Welcome to modern illness “identifications” and their treatment development!

In short, no virus is/was out there, even for the flu. However, authorities and experts most likely selectively ignore primer and/or count it with the COVID-19 primer.

I hope this will help.

Consider reading the recently published book (available from Amazon, link), and see that science has never been followed. Instead, it is all based on lies and fraudulent activities from people who have never trained in or practiced science—an eye-opener.

Pay attention to the advice received about science from medical experts. It could be harmful to your health.

I described in detail, in simple language, the actual underlying science and its principles which have been ignored in dealing with viruses and virology, resulting in fake viruses, its pandemic, and the development of vaccines.

Pre-order this 400-page volume – a fitting addition to other books in the ‘Slayer’ series and a ‘must read’ for truth seekers.

Principia Scientific International researchers bring to market  ‘Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon‘ a truly independent, carefully-researched analysis of the biggest medical fraud in history. Don’t be misinformed anymore!

This comprehensive volume collects the findings of researchers who did a deep dive into the medical science of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. These experts in medicine, vaccines, chemistry and public policy present a cogent case against the corruption and exploitation of the innocent public by politicians, big pharma, liberal social media and progressive activists.

The book is available worldwide from Amazon (link), Barnes and Noble, and all other online bookstores.

My involvement with viruses/virology started with the pandemic almost three years ago, specifically with an evaluation of PCR testing. As an analytical chemist involved in test developments, validations, and applications, all my life, I naturally became interested in exploring the PCR test.

What I found was disturbing, and I described it in a video here. In short, the concern was that virus tests (PCR or any other) were being developed and conducted without a reference standard.

From the test development perspective, I was shocked to note how one could claim to develop a test without the availability of reference standards. Developing tests and using them without reference standards is impossible and a case of criminal negligence. However, it is unclear how this negligence happened at the regulatory authorities, including the FDA and CDC.

So, I started looking into why no reference standard was used and found that no one has isolated the virus. Hence my view and declaration that the virus does not exist.

On the other hand, the claim of the virus’s existence and isolation is based on a procedural narrative. It means that if one follows certain procedures, e.g., culturing, centrifugation, computer modeling, etc., it will be called the isolation of the virus without obtaining any actual virus specimen. This is a complete misunderstanding and misrepresentation of science and its principles. So, from the scientific perspective, no isolation has been done, and no virus has been isolated.

However, looking further at the virus isolation aspect, it is clear that virologists have used the same procedure for decades to claim “isolation” of the virus, considering it a standard (“scientifically valid”) isolation procedure. Therefore, it is safe to say that virologists have never isolated any virus. Thus virology becomes a non-scientific subject and more like false science or fraud.

Experts often claim that “vaccines” have been used to nearly eliminate some human diseases transmitted from animals such as bats and swine. Furthermore, it has been claimed that the mRNA vaccine showed very high efficacy against SARS-COV-2 and no appreciable toxicity. However, it is clear from the current literature that efficacy and safety claims are incorrect. The claims have been found inaccurate, with no or extremely low efficacy and many adverse effect reports.

It is important to note that in virology, the term virus efficacy is reported as relative efficacy, which provides an inaccurate picture of the situation. If one sees the true efficacy, one will observe that vaccines have never shown any valid efficacy. Like virus isolation, where isolate (junk) is reported as the virus, reporting relative efficacy as real/true virus efficacy is another clear fraudulent claim.

However, this time the fraudulent claims (balloons) have been exposed because of impositions of unscientific and inhumane mandates to promote vaccines. As a result, professions have been subjected to greater challenges and public scrutiny (not by peers or authorities) and have been exposed as fraudulent. There is a strong possibility that virology as a science and medical profession as a science-based profession will be critically judged in the coming days.

So, in short, it is evident that from a scientific perspective, there is no virus, no pandemic, vaccines have not shown effectiveness as claimed, and medical professionals have made vastly inaccurate claims about the disease and its treatments.

An independent third-party (not-peers) assessment of the medical practice is urgently needed.

Good Lord!

(RNA Extraction Using MagMax Viral Isolation Kit) This is what medical experts/virologists/geneticists/scientists, etc., have been doing for the past four decades. They like us to believe the experts that they are doing science, following science, or isolating the viruses. For heaven’s sake, run for the hills – my friends. You have no hope of being saved.

Technically, to be valid, this or such a procedure must be run first with an isolated or purified virus or its RNA specimens to validate. It is to establish that the procedure is valid to detect the virus or RNA. As they have never isolated the virus or its RNA, this long list of steps becomes irrelevant and serves no purpose. It is just crap! 

Please fire the experts and shut down their labs!

For further information, please consider obtaining a copy of Helpful Notes, where I describe scientific aspects of modern-day medicines in simple language.

People seek evidence if vaccines have been tested against the virus (e.g., SARS-COV-2) or its variants. Unfortunately, the literature does not provide any (scientific) proof except the opinions and views of medical/pharmaceutical experts and the associated regulatory authorities.

It is not commonly recognized that the experts have not studied, trained, or practiced the relevant scientific subject; therefore, they neither understand the questions nor can provide the appropriate answers. But blame people who ask the questions with the derogatory label of “anti-vaxxers.”

An independent third-party assessment, not a peer review, is needed to resolve the controversy. Questions to address: (1) who isolated and has the specimen of the virus (SARS-COV-2); (2) how have tests for the virus been developed and validated without the availability of the reference/gold standards (i.e., the virus);  (3) reference to a study showing the vaccine tested and works against (neutralizing) actual virus or its infection.

The answer must be scientifically valid and in a language understandable to the consumers/patients following the quote associated with Albert Einstein “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

The public, and the scientists, seek answers. But there are no valid or scientific answers because there is no virus or pandemic. Prove it wrong!

For further information, see here (

There are different ways of doing such things. Considering the COVID-19 virus as an example, a straightforward option is,

Get a large number of the used masks and socked them in water. Then, decant the water out and evaporate it using freeze drying. Freeze drying is a technique where water can easily be removed under low pressure by reducing the boiling temperature of the water so it would not disturb things in the water.

Once one has the dry powder residue, apply it to animals (not to humans, at least not yet) and see if the disease develops. If not, then forget about the virus or COVID-19. There is no virus. On the other hand, if yes, start further fractionation while monitoring with animal/bioassay until a fraction containing only the caustic agent/virus is obtained. There are techniques available for doing such fractionation, e.g., chromatography.

No culturing, PCR, sequencing, or computer modeling is needed. One will have the virus (reference/gold standard) if it is there. That can be used for further evaluation and characterization (sequencing, structure elucidation, etc.)

If necessary, it (the PCR) will come after the caustic substance has been isolated. It is quite possible the caustic agent might not even be a virus (or biologic) but may be a simple metabolite of body physiology or from the metabolism of some consumed material such as a drug.

The approach described above is well-established in science and is often used for extracting/isolating substances.

For further information, please consider obtaining a copy of Helpful Notes, where I describe scientific aspects of modern-day medicines in simple language.