Good Lord!

(RNA Extraction Using MagMax Viral Isolation Kit) This is what medical experts/virologists/geneticists/scientists, etc., have been doing for the past four decades. They like us to believe the experts that they are doing science, following science, or isolating the viruses. For heaven’s sake, run for the hills – my friends. You have no hope of being saved.

Technically, to be valid, this or such a procedure must be run first with an isolated or purified virus or its RNA specimens to validate. It is to establish that the procedure is valid to detect the virus or RNA. As they have never isolated the virus or its RNA, this long list of steps becomes irrelevant and serves no purpose. It is just crap! 

Please fire the experts and shut down their labs!

For further information, please consider obtaining a copy of Helpful Notes, where I describe scientific aspects of modern-day medicines in simple language.

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