In the drug dissolution testing area, a reference to the “quality” of a product (table/capsule) is frequently made. For example, a drug dissolution test may be considered a quality assurance and/or control test. More recently use of the term has been extended to the concept and practice of “quality by design” or QbD. Obviously, to achieve or monitor “quality,” one needs to define it as an achievable objective or goal.

In general terms, “quality” is a subjective term for which each person or sector has its own definition. For example, certain variations in shape, size, or color of a tablet may indicate poor quality of the product for some, but for others, it may be normal and expected. In the literature, commonly, “quality” refers to “fitness for use” or “conformance to requirements” according to Joseph Juran (considered father of the QbD concept) and Philip Crosby, respectively. However, in technical usages, such as for the assessment of pharmaceutical products, these definitions of “quality” may be translated into a product property that fulfills stated or implied needs by establishing it as “fit for use.” The terminology “to fulfill stated or implied needs” appears to be the most critical in this regard, i.e, one must establish the need before defining the quality.

Therefore, before using dissolution testing for “quality” assessment purposes (or its control/assurance), one must first describe the stated or implied need here. Until and unless one cannot define or establish a need or use (for the testing) one cannot establish the quality. What is the need or use of a drug dissolution test? Conducting a dissolution test is not a need by itself. However, it is the ability (test) to fulfill a need of determining drug dissolution in the human GI tract from pharmaceutical products. The need is to determine drug dissolution in the human GI tract. This particular needed characteristic reflects upon the “quality” of the product. How it is to be determined and controlled or assured comes later, which is the “fitness for use” characteristics. In this regard, both, i.e., bioavailability/bioequivalence (BA/BE) testing/studies and drug dissolution testing, are two different types of tests to fulfill the same need and to establish “fitness for use” criteria. One reflects the in vivo evaluation while the other in vitro, but they both fulfill exactly the same need. One may argue about the differences in the strength of these two types of tests, but one has to recognize that they both fulfill the same need. Once the need is established, then one has to establish a tolerance (specifications) for “fitness to use” around the needed characteristics so that this need may be fulfilled consistently. For further discussion on the evaluation of drug release (dissolution) characteristics for both in vitro and in vivo, please see the post.

In short, therefore, “quality” here is referred to as fulfilling a need of determining the drug release (dissolution) from a product in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which is quantitatively measured to establish the “fitness for use” by a drug dissolution test

In a recent issue of Dissolution Technologies, in an article titled “Overview of Dissolution Instrument Qualification, Including Common Pitfalls” the authors started the article with a statement (or quote) of the claim that “For almost fifty years, the pharmaceutical community has been relying on dissolution data as an indication of drug product performance. Effective qualification of the dissolution apparatus is critical to the value and integrity of these data”.

The above-mentioned statements can be misleading and may provide false and erroneous comfort for a drug product performance using instrument qualifications (IQ) as its basis, as explained below:

IQ based on Enhanced Mechanical Calibration (EMC): Meeting the EMC means that the instrument is within the expected and required specifications. However, it does not mean that the instrument is capable of determining dissolution characteristics reflecting the appropriate performance of a product. To fulfill such a requirement, the instrument must be capable of producing the expected dissolution results of an approved drug product linked to the product’s performance.

The situation may be explained with an analogy that an analyst requires a laboratory thermometer to monitor the temperature of a dissolution water bath. The supplier provides the thermometer to the analyst with a detailed list of specifications for: lengths and diameters of the outer tube and inner capillary, heat-conducting bulb, the quality of glass used and marking on it, and the amount of mercury present in the capillary with a detailed theory of the heat expansion coefficient, etc. The question is will this thermometer perform as expected and monitor the temperature of the bath accurately? No, there is no data available on the performance of the thermometer. For the performance evaluation, the supplier needs to provide evidence to show that when the thermometer is placed in freezing water, the mercury will show a reading of 0 °C, and while in boiling water, the mercury will expand to the 100° C mark. This would reflect that, indeed, the thermometer performed as expected and is good for use.

Similarly, a dissolution instrument should also demonstrate that if a test (performance or calibration) is performed using a drug product for human use, the instrument is capable of providing the expected dissolution results.   

IQ based on Performance Verification Test/Tablets (PVT): In this case, in addition to establishing the instrument specifications as with EMC, dissolution tests are conducted using USP calibrator tablets (not a pharmaceutical product) to achieve certain expected results. This type of testing (calibration) will show the capability of the tester to evaluate dissolution characteristics. However, its capability of showing the performance of a product for human use is still lacking.  In reality, the dissolution results thus obtained would be similar to those obtained using a kitchen blender set at slow rotation speeds. The link to reflect the performance of a drug product in humans lacks in both cases.

On the other hand, continuing with the thermometer analogy, in this case (i.e. PVT) the supplier, in addition to the specifications as described above, provides a pouch filled with an unknown or mysterious liquid, which causes the mercury in the thermometer to expand to somewhere in the middle of the thermometer. The expansion is expected to vary from user to user. Should this be considered as a performance evaluation test? Not really, because one does not know that, indeed, the mercury should expand to the middle. The performance test becomes arbitrary and of limited use. The question is why the thermometer supplier is making so much effort in developing the specifications and an arbitrary performance test (pouch). Why doesn’t the supplier of the thermometer provide evidence of the performance with the use of freezing and boiling water?

The same situation is with the suppliers of the dissolution testers and providers of the calibrator tablets. Why are they making so much effort in developing tablets and setting arbitrary specifications and performance evaluation criteria for these? Why can’t they use a tablet or capsule product approved for human use and demonstrate that the apparatuses can provide the expected dissolution behavior of the product? The simple and short answer is that the presently used apparatuses cannot provide appropriate dissolution results for a product.

Therefore, using such an instrument, along with stated performance testing, will provide false comfort, resulting in misleading conclusions about the performance of the pharmaceutical products.

Note: This post has been shared with the authors of the article. They have provided the following response. Their contribution is greatly appreciated. Saeed

 We appreciate the thoughtfulness of Dr. Qureshi’s response to our article. Striving for clinically relevant specifications is paramount for our drug products. Therefore sufficiently challenged methods that give information on the critical quality attributes that contribute to the release mechanism are the key. We disagree that dissolution is not a useful test, and that if we are going to use dissolution as a test then it is important that the apparatus is appropriately qualified.

Vivian Gray, V. A. Gray Consulting,
Greg Martin, Complectors Consulting,

In vivo bioequivalence or simply bioequivalence is commonly referred to as an evaluation study conducted to establish the equality of mostly two oral products, such as tablets or capsules. The equality of two products (test vs reference) is established by comparing their blood drug concentration-time (C-t) profiles. The reason for selecting C-t profiles for such comparison is that as therapeutic effects depend on drug concentrations in blood i.e., if two or more products provide similar C-t profiles, then they will provide similar therapeutic effects as well. Thus they will be considered therapeutically bioequivalent or simply bioequivalent. Continue here.

It is often stated that in vitro drug dissolution testing may never be able to predict the physiological outcome as the environment and processes within may be too complex and variable to be adequately reproduced in vitro. This prevents achieving adequate and bio-relevant dissolution results. This belief may not reflect reality and appears to lack any experimental evidence.

The belief appears to be based on dissolution results obtained using mostly paddle and basket apparatuses. Interestingly, it has been shown repeatedly that these apparatuses poorly mimic the physiological environment (e.g., see), which is required for dissolution testing. It is, therefore, should be expected that these apparatuses would not provide physiologically relevant results. In addition to a lack of physiological relevancy, it has further been shown that hydrodynamics within dissolution apparatuses (paddle/basket) is such that these apparatuses should provide highly variable and unpredictable results [link]. Therefore, it is safe to assume that it is not the difficulty and complexity of reproducing a physiological environment in vitro but the choice of dissolution apparatuses that appears to have caused the lack of success. Recent studies using the modified spindle (crescent-shaped), which addresses the artifacts of the paddle and basket apparatuses, appear to provide a choice of physiologically relevant experiment conditions, thus providing improved and physiologically relevant results [Link]. Furthermore, the use of the crescent-shaped spindle provides a common and product independent testing environment one observes in vivo, where products are also evaluated under a common and independent product environment. This contrasts with the current practices of using paddle and basket apparatuses where practically every product is analyzed using its method, a physiologically non-relevant condition.

Therefore, it is essential that for accurate dissolution results and their interpretation, one should conduct drug dissolution tests using apparatuses that can simulate physiologically relevant experimental conditions. As the paddle and basket apparatuses provide a non-physiological testing environment, they will provide non-physiologically relevant results, thus the lack of faith.

I received a query by email seeking my opinion concerning the topic mentioned above. The email is attached (link), without reference of the sender, to provide a background of my response. My opinion is as follows:

First, what is a phase I clinical study? In general, a phase I clinical study is a study in which a drug is to be evaluated in humans for the first time, following successful animals studies, to establish its safety and tolerability in different dosage strengths. In principle, at this stage, there would not be any data available on human pharmacokinetics (absorption, metabolism, elimination, volume of distribution, etc.), and this phase of the study is generally used for determining these parameters. If the drug is to be administered as a solid oral product such as a tablet/capsule or suspension, then such a product is to be “developed”. [link for full response]

When one mentions or asks for a dissolution tester, immediately the following apparatuses come to mind: paddle, basket (rotating or reciprocating), and flow-through. The question is, why are these apparatuses known as dissolution testers? How do these apparatuses measure and describe a drug product’s dissolution (characteristics)? Consider the question in another way. An analyst has a tablet product, e.g., of acetaminophen, and would like to determine the dissolution characteristics of the tablets. Can any one of these testers provide the answer? Not really. Continue here

Often I receive comments on my posts/views on the subject. Recently, I received an extended commentary in response to one of my recent articles published in the American Pharmaceutical Review. Based on this commentary, we had a good exchange of thoughts and ideas. In the end, the thoughts were summarized by Dr. Dimitri Papadimitriou (Full contact information below) about my views and his understanding of the subject in general. There are healthy differences in opinions, which I have highlighted in red as my responses to the comments.

I think readers of the blog may find this discussion and exchange of thoughts interesting and useful. Therefore, with due permission, I am posting the response and my views (in red) for the benefit of visitors of the blog (link).

Please, consider submitting your ideas, thoughts and/or queries of mutual benefits as well. I look forward to receiving such contributions.

Contributor’s Info:
Dimitri Papadimitriou Ph.D.
Arevno Consulatants
Shreveport, LA 71115

It appears so.

In principle, a dissolution test is conducted to assess the quality of a drug product based on its in vitro drug release (dissolution) characteristics. However, in recent years, it has clearly been shown, based on experimental and computer simulation studies, that the tests, particularly using paddle and basket apparatuses, are not capable of providing relevant and reproducible results. Thus, test results do not reflect the true quality of the products.

Another disturbing aspect in this regard is that most of the tests, i.e., experimental conditions, employed are product-dependent. With the use of product-dependent experimental conditions, it is impossible to establish whether the results, thus, the product quality (good or bad), reflect the product or the use of a particular set of experimental conditions. An analyst, at will, can make a product look good or bad (acceptable/unacceptable) or a product of either slow or fast release type by adjusting the experimental conditions appropriately.

Therefore, current practices of dissolution testing appear to be practices aimed at meeting the regulatory requirements rather than assessing the quality of drug products. It has further been shown that if the artifacts of the paddle and basket apparatuses are adequately addressed, where apparatuses are able to provide efficient product-medium interaction, a dissolution test can be made a useful analytical tool as intended. For a further detailed discussion on this topic please see the publication.

May 9th, 2011 | Author: Saeed Qureshi

Bio-relevant dissolution tests are highly desirable and are often referred to. It appears that such tests are commonly understood as intuitive expectations rather than a clearly defined scientific objective. This creates confusion, misunderstandings and leads to a lack of progress in this regard. To avoid such confusion, the following may be considered as an appropriate definition:

“A bio-relevant dissolution test is a test which is conducted using experimental conditions representing GI tract environment, in particular intestinal, and capable of predicting in vivo response comparable to the actual blood concentration-time profiles obtained from the bioavailability/bioequivalence studies.”

 It is essential to understand that a bio-relevant test must be conducted using appropriate and bio-relevant experimental conditions. Use of non-physiological test conditions such as de-aeration of dissolution medium, product dependent experimental conditions, inefficient or lack of stirring/mixing within dissolution vessels, etc., are to be avoided. Furthermore, the test conducted with appropriate test conditions must also be able to predict in vivo (blood) drug concentration-time profiles. For example, the predicted profiles should at least be able to differentiate between fast (e.g., IR) and slow-release (ER) products, as these would be from an in vivo study. Such a test should then be used to evaluate the potential drug release characteristics of a test product. For further discussion of the subject and detailed methodology to calculate drug concentration-time profiles from dissolution results, please see the links (1, 2).