By making claims about vaccination (SARs-COV-2, or COVID-19), the “scientists” and “experts” have exposed their own incompetence and ignorance that will lead to their demise, and that is a good thing.

Vaccine, at least mRNA-based, is a fancy name for a chemical compound (drug/medicine) or a chemical-based treatment – nothing more. It is a marketing gimmick for selling an irrelevant and useless product that potentially could be highly toxic because of its similarity to chemical compounds present in the body, commonly known as RNA, DNA, gene, genome, etc.

Scientifically speaking, vaccination cannot work and has not been shown to work for the virus – saying contrary to it is simply a lie. Vaccines have never been tested against the virus, in patients or otherwise, including in vitro, because no isolated and identified virus sample is available. Therefore, all claims in this respect are bogus or fraudulent.

Claims of the efficacy of vaccines should be considered like astrological predictions based on stars’ constellations, such as certain constellations may bring good, e.g., one might win a lottery, get a job or not lose a job, unknowingly saved from a car accident, found ones’ love of life, etc. Such predictions have also been claimed to be based on “data.” Similarly, read vaccination provides safety to the community, avoids hospitalization and deaths, protects the elderly (particularly grandparents), brings society back to normality, helps remove the mandates and restrictions, etc. Unfortunately, vaccination can do none of these except presumably killing the virus for which it has never been tested. Hence, all claims about vaccinations are false. This is not an opinion but a scientific fact!

We are passing through an unnecessary and ruinously difficult time. However, that may expose and address the fake and fraudulent science practices of many decades. So let us hope and pray that it (fake science) dies without causing further damage to society or part of the civilization.

For further reading:

  1. COVID-19: Open letter to physicians, pharmacists, and laboratory managers (link)
  2. Calculating the efficacy of the vaccines – deception! (link)
  3. Vaccines efficacy (link)

If FDA approves or disapproves something, it is assumed that it has to be good or bad, respectively, based on its scientific merit. However, unfortunately, FDA assessments, in general, are not based on science at all. It would be hard to believe, but it is a fact that cannot be denied.

For example, it is generally believed that the FDA establishes the quality of the pharmaceutical products and their safety and efficacy by extension. It is a false claim or belief. FDA never defines the quality of a, or any, product. Obviously, if a parameter is not defined, it cannot be measured or established. (link)

The current situation of approving vaccines (full or otherwise) follows the same criteria. The claims have been made that vaccines are effective against the virus or COVID. However, vaccines have never been tested against the virus or COVID. No one has isolated or seen the virus, so how could something be tested against it – it can’t be. A marketing tactic to promote untested products. (link).