Virus isolation and identification claim – false and must be withdrawn immediately

Scientists and virologists use the word “isolate” for isolation – very important to watch for this mix-up.

Virologists appear to have been taught that “isolate” means virus or isolated virus, which is incorrect. “virus isolate” and “isolated virus” are two very different things. As an analogy, “virus isolate” is chicken soup, not chicken (”isolated virus”). Yet, medical professionals and virologists describe and promote chicken soup as chicken. This is where the confusion is. For a more detailed explanation, please see here (link)

Literature related to virus isolation describes this aspect in a  convoluted and confusing way. However, surprisingly, one publication (link) clearly (without hiding) describes what is being isolated, stating, “In this study, we describe the isolation and genome sequencing of two SARS-CoV-2 isolates from infected humans in Turkey” (note not the virus). Scientifically, one determines and establishes the RNA sequence, and by extension, the associated virus not of the “isolate” (soup). It is unclear whether experts are ignorant about the difference or intentionally deceiving the public, but they certainly make a false scientific claim.

In general, all the publications use the same approach, i.e., they isolate the “virus isolate” but never the virus. You may find my review of one such publication from the CDC (link).

So, in short, the virus has never been isolated, identified, and characterized. Therefore, all claims and pictures of the virus one see in literature are imaginary and computer-generated, not reality or scientific. Hence, all claims about the existence of the virus must immediately be withdrawn.

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