From Facebook (link)
You asked an interesting and valid question often asked. However, answering (science-based) requires a lengthy response (maybe a book) because it is a complex topic and a highly messed up case. Let me try as a short comment.
From a scientific perspective, if one likes to deal with sickness, one must first define what a sickness is. Or inversely, what is healthy or what a healthy person is. I posted this question on FB some time ago. I got some responses, not concrete, but illusive or philosophical. So, if the objective is unclear or undefined, one cannot work with it in science. Therefore, at least at present, there is no science in healthcare or medical areas.
People are working with assumptions, narratives or theories, which are more like guesses. The two most popular ones (in allopathic) are Germ and Terrain theories. Germ theory is based on the assumption that gems, like bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc., make people ill. On the other hand, Terrain theory describes that the environment and/or food one consumes causes the illness. However, no (scientific) evidence supports this claim other than a view that “healthy food and a healthy environment produce healthy people.”
I think Germ’s theory is more reasonable and logical because there is evidence that germs cause illnesses and can be treated with medicines. Hearing this, people shout back at me with rage, saying:
(1) so then you believe in viruses. Show us where the viruses are. Such a response from “experts” is based on ignorance. I am a strong advocate of the fact that viruses do not exist. Germ’s theory is not relevant to viruses because germs exist but not viruses. Mixing germs and viruses is the biggest fallacy of these so-called science experts (“scientists’).
(2) no evidence exists that germs show one-to-one cause and effect. The problem with this argument is that it is almost impossible to observe such an interaction, at least scientifically. The reason is that germs and the body’s biological system have extreme (natural/physiological) variability and are further exacerbated by the working environment. Hence, it is impossible to conduct control and accurate studies as such. Let the scientists (not medical experts) work with it; they can figure this out. However, scientists have been removed from the area, so confusion and falsehood prevails.
In short, people are not sick, and if they are (often normal wear and tear), then in general, they can be addressed by watching their nutrition imbalances and/or fixing microbial abnormalities. Certainly, a recent culprit is the use of long-term medicines (potent chemicals), which, by any standard, can be the cause of sickness.
Enjoy your life with the blessings of the Almighty. We have been blessed with much better food and environment, an envy for the great majority of the world population. Do not get scared; do not eat this or that. These are just to sell their “products.” I wish I had more time and space to describe underlying science/chemistry aspects and how much nonsense these “experts” are promoting – maybe some other time.