Most claims by physicians and other medical experts are considered reflective of science or science-based. However, it is critical to note that the profession is not science-based. Science has never been part of its degree curriculum, training, expertise, or research (link). Moreover, there is no such thing as medical or pharmaceutical science – it is a made-up name or brand for fakeness or deception.
Most, if not all, claims made by these professionals may be considered observations or assumptions without the involvement of science.
For example, a recent claim is that a virus (SARS-COV-2) is causing illness, but there is no virus. Amazingly, experts claim to have developed a test that can see and monitor this non-existing virus or its effects! Even more bizarre is the claim to have developed highly effective treatments (vaccines) for killing this non-existing virus and its illness. Furthermore, experts are seeking more exuberant research funding and control to “protect” the public from similar future viruses and pandemics.
The actual science (chemistry/analytical chemistry) correctly predicted the fakeness of the virus, tests, and vaccines at the beginning of the pandemic (link, link, link).
Claims are being made for the preparedness to handle future pandemics; however, scientifically, there was no virus or pandemic, and there cannot be any in the future.
Any claims made in this regard should be evaluated based on actual science, preferably seeking help from research-based chemistry experts. Further information may be found here (link). Please obtain a copy today to learn about the relevant science for medicine and direct medical and pharmaceutical professionals toward science.