It is critical to note that an M.D. degree is not a science degree. But unfortunately, holders of the degree are considered and promoted as scientists, which caused the erroneous claims of the viruses, testing, pandemic, and treatments (vaccines).
Most of the claims made in this regard, such as DNA/RNA, proteins, their isolation, purification, characterization, testing, and sequencing, belong to chemistry (science) subjects and should be part of such expertise and faculties.
There are indications that claims about the COVID-19 pandemic, made by experts with M.D. degrees and associated organizations such as CDC and FDA, are in retraction [link, link]. However, such (COVID-19, vaccination) aberrations are considered as rare, implying “science” is genuine and should continue as such for new and more viruses, illnesses, and vaccines.
When dealing with such claims, one should keep in mind that medical experts have never been able to show any evidence of the existence of the virus from any source, lab, or animal. Instead, their claims are based only on PCR testing or sequencing.
PCR testing is a scientifically invalid technique with no link to the virus/variants or illness. Further, the described sequencing technique is not sequencing but the opposite, i.e., assembling some chemical molecules to obtain computer-based fictional RNAs (chemical compounds, not viruses) — a scientifically invalid and false claim and practice.
The only reason such studies and claims are published and accepted is that they are reviewed or authenticated by “peers/buddies” with similar flawed training and mindset. Independent third-party reviews of the published literature by scientists with expertise in the respective subjects have never been done. In this respect, it would be safe to assume that most of the published literature based on PCR testing and sequencing assessments for viruses and their related illnesses must be false and scientifically invalid and should be retracted.
Further, in the future, medical degrees should be considered a trade certification, not a science degree, which will help avoid future disasters of faulty testing and misdiagnosis.
For further details (link, link, link, link)