Virology, in particular, and modern medical “science,” in general, have so successfully brainwashed people that to be considered intelligent or worth listening to, one must first say that “I am not an anti-vaxxer.” Otherwise, they will be considered science deniers or intelligence deficient.
It is a very smart and effective con-artistry to protect and promote fraudulent science. Fortunately, this con-artistry will soon end at a huge human and financial cost!
The story (or tragedy) of COVID-19 is a case in point. I should qualify that practices and the tragedy of mandates (masks, social distances, vaccination, etc.) are ending. But unfortunately, vaccination’s tragedy (adverse effects) may continue for a long time.
The question is, why and how did this tragedy happen? It is because of the flawed (fraudulent) science of the vaxxers. But, first, people must recognize that it has never been science but an illusion (deception or fraud) of the science of naming diseases and selling “remedies,” which brought the tragedy.
Vaccination (vaxxers) is just one version of that broader tragedy, often sold as science-based medicines. In this respect, anti-vaxxers are, in fact, anti-false science of medicines and should be respected and not be labeled with disqualification.
Some say, “I am a Covid -19 mRNA gene therapy; Experimental “vaccine” anti-vaxxer, not an anti-vaxxer.”
But, the current “vaccine” or its claims are made by the experts who claimed the goodness of earlier vaccines. They used the same old “scientific” approach to define the current vaccine’s goodness, e.g., calculating Relative Vaccine Efficacy (RVE) but promoted Vaccine Efficacy (VE) fraudulently, an unpardonable act (link). Furthermore, they used a test to monitor the virus, which has no link or relevance (link, link). Moreover, no study has ever been conducted with an (isolated) virus, but with some filth (isolate/cell culture) presented as the virus – this is not scientific or science but a fraud! (link, link)
Believe it or not, the vaxxers have nothing to show for the past four decades of “scientific research” but false claims and deceptions supported by buddies (peers). Therefore, saying that I am not an anti-vaxxer indirectly supports the vaccination and its false science. Please do not do that – communicate clearly and directly your objections to challenge the fraudulent science of viruses and/or virology.