It is bizarre that people, including experts, keep assuming that the cause of illness or pandemic is a virus when there has been no evidence, neither by testing nor by so-called treatment (vaccines).

There is no test available to show the presence or absence of the virus – the PCR test or any related test is not a virus test. Vaccines have demonstrated a lack of effectiveness, i.e., vaccinated people show similar symptoms, labeled as “breakthrough cases,” based on the same irrelevant and false PCR test, and require the same preventive practices as the unvaccinated.  

Have people completely lost their logical thinking ability, or is it something else? Certainly, science is absent!

For further reading (1, 2, 3)

Scientists and virologists use the word “isolate” for isolation – very important to watch for this mix-up.

Virologists appear to have been taught that “isolate” means virus or isolated virus, which is incorrect. “virus isolate” and “isolated virus” are two very different things. As an analogy, “virus isolate” is chicken soup, not chicken (”isolated virus”). Yet, medical professionals and virologists describe and promote chicken soup as chicken. This is where the confusion is. For a more detailed explanation, please see here (link)

Literature related to virus isolation describes this aspect in a  convoluted and confusing way. However, surprisingly, one publication (link) clearly (without hiding) describes what is being isolated, stating, “In this study, we describe the isolation and genome sequencing of two SARS-CoV-2 isolates from infected humans in Turkey” (note not the virus). Scientifically, one determines and establishes the RNA sequence, and by extension, the associated virus not of the “isolate” (soup). It is unclear whether experts are ignorant about the difference or intentionally deceiving the public, but they certainly make a false scientific claim.

In general, all the publications use the same approach, i.e., they isolate the “virus isolate” but never the virus. You may find my review of one such publication from the CDC (link).

So, in short, the virus has never been isolated, identified, and characterized. Therefore, all claims and pictures of the virus one see in literature are imaginary and computer-generated, not reality or scientific. Hence, all claims about the existence of the virus must immediately be withdrawn.

Recently, I was asked to provide my views on different aspects of the pandemic in a question/answer format. Considering my responses would be helpful to the visitors to this site, I am sharing them here as well.

Is virus detection possible with PCR test?

Why is the question or confusion? To answer this, allow me to describe my academic background and expertise. I can describe myself as a developer, validator, and user of tests with academic qualification of a post-graduate degree, Ph.D., and 40 years experience on the subject, including 30 years working at a regulatory authority (Health Canada) as a scientist. (Continue here)

Yesterday, I responded to a question received through LinkedIn. Considering my response would be helpful to the visitors to this site, I am sharing it here as well.

Question: Does your background and resources allow you to perform such an isolation?

Response: I am a retired and now a freelance scientist. Therefore, I lack needed laboratory resources. However, given the resources and my background, yes, it is possible to isolate the virus.

Scientifically and technically, I would not say it would be a piece of cake to isolate the virus but a relatively easy job to do. However, the issue would be that the virus has to exist to be isolated. Unfortunately, there is no evidence provided in the literature that it exists.

I would further explain this with the following analogy, i.e., if someone asked me to extract/isolate gold, believing that a given large piece of land contains a significant amount of gold. I or anyone else would ask how it is considered that gold exists in the land. In response, they would show me a test, and its report/results establishing the gold’s existence there. That is from where I would take over and work on extracting/isolating the gold.

Similarly, in the medical/virus area, isolating the virus requires a valid test and report to show that it is there. Unfortunately, there is no such test available at present. Instead, everything is imaginary, or based on word of mouth. Mainly, some published computer-generated photographs without any control or reference are presented. Hence, it is not possible to isolate the virus. No wonder no one has isolated the virus.

So, in short, a virus can be isolated easily. First, however, it has to exist. Second, there has to be a test or measurable (biochemical or pharmacological) parameter to indicate the presence of the virus.