Commonly it is believed and promoted that COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), discovered in 2019 (e.g., see here). However, scientifically, it is an incorrect claim because SAR-COV-2 has never been seen or isolated from any human patient. Therefore, the existence of a (new) disease (COVID-19) is a false claim – there should not be an argument about it.
On the other hand, the presence of the disease or the virus is often described based on testing, particularly PCR, e.g., COVID-19 tests can detect either SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, the antibodies that your body makes after getting COVID-19 or after getting vaccinated (link).
Again, scientifically speaking, it is an invalid statement because no test is conducted or available that can detect the virus (SARS-CoV-2) or its illness. It is impossible to develop a test for something for which the reference is not available. As noted above, as the virus has never been isolated, its reference standard cannot be available. Hence there cannot be a test available or developed for it. It is not an opinion but a scientific fact. Therefore, there should not be any argument or discussion about the lack of availability of the virus test.
Furthermore, the often described PCR test as the gold standard is not a virus or disease test. It is a test for a chemical compound called RNA, or its fragment, from the virus presumably present in the swab samples. Please read this statement again and calmly, i.e., the test determines RNA and not the virus, and it has never been established or shown that the detected RNA is part of the virus. To establish the link between the RNA and the virus, one requires a virus specimen. As the virus has not been isolated, its RNA cannot be isolated or identified either.
If the appropriate RNA cannot be isolated, one cannot have its reference standard. It means one cannot have a scientifically valid RNA test as well. Therefore, a PCR test for the RNA becomes an invalid test. There should not be any argument about this as well.
The positive or negative PCR test result tells absolutely nothing about the virus or the illness. Other mentioned tests, i.e., antigen/Rapid test or antibodies test, have the same limitations. There is no evidence that the detected antigens or antibodies are linked to the virus – both require virus specimen which is not available.
The vaccines development exercises (i.e., clinical trials) are based on the flawed PCR test, not the virus or illness; hence, they become flawed by default. However, people, including experts, do not realize that vaccines have never been tested against the virus and its illnesses. Therefore, vaccines development is based on deception, i.e., vaccines cannot treat anything or protect anyone from the virus. Saying otherwise is a lie – that is why vaccination did not help protect against the virus. Therefore, vaccinated people must follow the same preventive measures as the unvaccinated ones. Hence, their use can safely be discontinued- avoiding well noted adverse effects.
On the other hand, continuing with testing is perhaps even more harmful and tragic. Firstly, using an invalid test cannot provide a valid or relevant outcome – so it is a waste of resources and may cause bodily harm by the frequent nose or throat poking.
Secondly, if the test comes out negative, it may indicate that all may be well. But, on the other hand, if the test comes out positive, it would create an unfortunate problem for proper diagnosis, particularly with people having some associated symptoms. They may be incorrectly classified as COVID-19 patients because the test cannot detect the COVID-19 virus or illness. Hence it becomes a sure case of misdiagnosis. As a result, and as per current policies, people will be treated as COVD-19 patients, often by isolation, when patients might be ill from something else. Lack of appropriate diagnosis could exacerbate the underlying illness, which may become untreatable with time, possibly resulting in death.
The positive test results should be considered a misdiagnosis and need to be discontinued urgently. It is inhumane to continue the COVID-19 testing, particularly when it is unpredictable and scientifically invalid.