Recently, I responded to a query in addressing the confusion about the PCR test and the isolation of the virus (SARS-COV-2), describing,
“It seems to me, a layman here, to be sufficient evidence they did prove this was the virus they identified as SARS COV2.”
The following was my response which I think would be helpful to the site’s visitors as well.
You are not alone in such an assumption. It is very difficult for people to understand, and the narrative is intentional so that people only hear and see what the “scientists” like people to hear and see, i.e., there is a virus that has been isolated.
Believe it or not, even “experts” and “scientists” do not understand the subject/process. It (isolation/culturing/purification/characterization etc.) has never been part of their training or expertise. They are just repeating what they have been told or asked to say.
The process, the “scientists” described in the literature (you noted too), concerns the growth (multiplication) of the (imaginary) virus. It is their imagination, not reality. There is no evidence that they have grown the virus – none. Instead, they take the broth/culture pictures to show or say, look, here is the virus.
The imaginary virus can only be considered real if the virus gets isolated, extracted, or pulled out of the culture or soup. But unfortunately, “scientists” stop at culturing and do not isolate anything.
The mention of monkey cells, primers, and other ingredients, in such publications, is irrelevant and does not relate to the isolation of anything. In reality, if there were a virus, all they would have to do is collect the used face masks and soak them in water. All the virus particles could be drained using conical flasks or separating funnels and then be extracted or isolated using classical and/or modern separating techniques, a common and standard practice of isolating compounds, including medicines, from natural sources. There would not be any need for culturing, PCR, etc. However, the “scientists” would not do it because they know there is no virus/particles.