I will not make many friends and will annoy many others, but the truth or reality has to be told, known, and understood, i.e.,

Listening and seeking advice from medical experts, such as physicians,  about medicine developments and manufacturing and working of medicines (or science in general) is like asking an ice cream vendor about cattle farming or dairy product manufacturing. The same applies to diagnostic testing, i.e., their development, validation, and interpretation.

The pandemic and its link to the virus and vaccine developments have been created by the medical experts’ lack of knowledge or ignorance about the science. Consider learning the actual science that has thoroughly been violated in this regard. It is not that difficult to learn and understand if one ignores the scientifically sounding jargon published in the medical and pharmaceutical literature.

People, including experts, must realize that the thinking that created the problem cannot solve it.

Further information on the topic may be found here: Helpful Notes, the Book, and Blog by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing among other specialties.

For example, see here.

Then: COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (Jan 3, 2021, link)

Now: The Unwarranted Scare Of The New Variant Requires Calmness And Rational Thinking, (Aug 30, 2023. link)

And in between: Finding A Virus – Made Easy! (link).

Why: My training and expertise – people ask! (link).

For further details: Helpful Notes, Book (Slaying The Virus And Vaccine Dragon), Blog

A scare of a new COVID-19 variant is developing with the potential implementation of pandemic-related restrictions, with news such as “New York on high alert over new COVID variant detected in the U.S.” (link)

State health officials say they are on high alert over a new COVID-19 strain, identified last week in the U.S., that is markedly different in structure than previous iterations of the omicron variant.

Continue here

Let them (medical experts) heal and save the lives of millions without any restrictions, as they claim. Let them make profits as much as they can and like. Let them sell their products directly to consumers/patients through large (or small) retail outlets such as Amazon, Costco, Walmart, etc., with guarantees of 100% satisfaction and (no questions asked) return policies like for any other safe and effective products such as food, autos, appliances, computers, phones, etc. However, they (medical/pharmaceutical experts) must sell their science and its products, such as viruses, pharmaceuticals, testing, and vaccines, without government immunity and funding.

Am I joking? No,

Most of the “science,” illnesses, and testing will disappear within the blink of an eye. All these experts will leave the business in no time, and possibly many will be behind bars. Life will return to normalcy, and actual science (the science of medicine/chemicals or chemistry) will flourish for the benefit of humanity as it has been in so many other areas. Medical experts will start providing the services they have been trained in, i.e., diagnosing well-known illnesses and providing well-established treatments, not science.

No one will see new illnesses or their variants popping up so often, certainly not the imaginary pandemics.

Believe it or not, this is the only solution to the nonsense of the current medical practices. A highly trusted and respected occupation has ruined and disgraced itself and needs re-establishing – it’s tough going back.  

During the past week, I have received email invitations to attend an upcoming webinar titled “Challenges in Development and Testing of Complex Drug Products.” It is a fancy title for selling a test, and its development approaches, known as a drug dissolution test. The webinar is organized by: The Society For Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science, US Chapter (https://spds.us/).

It is a test used to develop and assess the pharmaceuticals such as tablets and capsules. It is a standard requirement to obtain marketing approval for any solid oral product by all regulatory authorities, including FDA, Health Canada, EMS, NHS, etc., practically without exceptions. (Continue here).

While walking through a street in the Slough area during my recent visit to London (England), I noticed a shop (pharmacy) sign. It is marked in bold and bigger letters as a chemist’s shop – nowadays a rarity. A Google search for Chemist shops (aka pharmacies) may find many similar photos (link).

Unfortunately, people have completely forgotten the origin of pharmacy, which is chemistry. By ignoring this origin, pharmacy and medical practices have transformed into a false and fraudulent science. However, these subjects still use chemistry terminologies without their correct chemistry/science meanings and interpretations. This led to fake science and created non-exciting diseases and treatments, such as recent claims of infections, viruses, vaccines, and pandemics. None of these has any true scientific basis.

A recent book (Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon) clearly explains this misinterpretation of chemistry/science providing help in addressing the issues of “modern diseases” and their “fake treatments.”

Please, consider reading it – available from Amazon (link).

Many times people asked me how it is that I provided convincing arguments against the existence of the virus, (PCR, antigen, etc.) testing, the COVID-19 pandemic, and mRNA vaccine developments.

I made the predictions accurately early in the pandemic without being a medical expert. Further, why do others with similar academic backgrounds, i.e., having chemistry expertise, not speak out or make such a convincing case?

The reason is that what medical and biological experts describe (testing, isolation, RNA, proteins, pharmaceutical/vaccine development) are chemistry topics, not medical ones. Hence, their claims are mostly scientifically incorrect and invalid. Please visit my blog (link) describing how science/chemistry explains these aspects clearly, easily, and accurately.

The subject (my specialty) is analytical chemistry, a subdiscipline of the main subject.

Most often, four main subdisciplines of chemistry are taught at undergraduate levels. They are organic-, inorganic-, physical-, and bio-chemistry. Analytical chemistry is a separate sub-class that comes later and may be considered a specialization.

Often bio-chemistry is considered chemistry in medical/biological areas. However, unfortunately, biochemistry generally does not deal with the topics mentioned; hence cannot address the issues. It is more like part of the practice of medicine.

Not many study analytical chemistry in greater depth but use it as part of their subject. However, I happened to have studied this in detail. My M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses were in analytical chemistry.

Further, being part of Health Canada (30 years), I had to study several medical-related subjects such as pharmaceuticals, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, statistics, clinical trials, and regulatory requirements and standards. This unique combination of training and expertise helps me see things from different perspectives, which is hard to see if one studies only the medical or chemistry (science) area. It also helps me write clearly, which would be difficult if one is unaware of this needed combination.

So, if anyone wants a second and scientifically valid opinion about viruses and virology, particularly medicines (chemicals), look for a trained analytical chemist with strong medical and biological knowledge.

Consider obtaining copies of my Helpful Notes and recent book, which explain the topics in detail.

In this interview, describing an important new book (Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon), I explain why COVID-19 and its virus (SARS-COV-2) is not proven to exist. As such, no vaccine will treat a nonexistent pathogen. Furthermore, developing a vaccine for a non-existing virus is undoubtedly a medical/scientific fraud.

The explanation is in simple layman’s language, based on fundamental science (chemistry), mainly analytical chemistry. It covers the science of substances, isolation, identification, characterization, purification, tests developments, validation, and their uses.

The book shows how policymakers, a controlled media, and government ‘experts’ combined to scare us into history’s biggest medical hoax.