It is a lie that medical and pharmaceutical experts follow science. They do not study, get training, or practice science. The actual science is chemistry, as most medicines are chemicals and behave in the body following the principles of chemistry (the science), which these professionals hardly study or apply. There is no such thing as medical or pharmaceutical science. These are false and fraudulent versions of chemistry.

The assertions of the virus’ (SARS-COV-2) existence, its illness (COVID-19), and the development of vaccines (mRNA) have been false and fraudulent and can easily be shown so by applying basic scientific (chemical) principles.

In the future, avoid anyone who promotes (chemical) based medicines without having extensive knowledge and training in chemistry/science, such as isolation, testing, and test validation. Their claims almost certainly will be baseless and false.

For further details, see here, here, here, and more.

I studied science/chemistry from grade 9th to Ph.D. level, specializing in analytical-organic chemistry, which makes learning time almost 12 years. Then, I worked for 35 years in the field.

I worked for five years in the industry (food/agriculture), where I supported (analytical) testing and helped isolate a toxin (vomitoxin, a fungal plant pathogen) using industrial-scale culturing. Following that, I spent thirty years with Health Canada as a research scientist (analytical, organic chemistry), working with testing for pharmaceuticals, both in vitro and in vivo, including clinical trials. Details of expertise and work experience may be found here, here.

The short bio above shows that I have not studied or trained as a medical practitioner (physician) or biological subject expert in virology, immunology, microbiology, etc. However, I interacted extensively with biological and medical experts, where people of my expertise and experience are considered “outsiders,” which is unfortunate and has resulted in medical issues, like the most recent one, COVID-19.

Continue here

A recent article published in Epoch Times, titled “Growing Number Of GOP Candidates Pledge To Disavow COVID-19 Vaccine And Big Pharma” reported here (link), makes suggestions for stopping poorly developed vaccine injections, stating.

It is pretty clear that the numbers and the data behind the vaccine were not accurate and as a result we are looking at what is probably one of the greatest blunders in modern medical history,” said Mr. Lowe.

We started enforcing injections on people without having accurate information and it ended up costing lives.”

This whole episode has been a dark blotch on our country and there needs to be change and that starts with our elected representatives,” added Mr. Lowe.

John Perez, who is running in the GOP primary for the House District 133 seat in Texas, cited the outsized influence pharmaceutical companies have had on the political system.

“I pledge right here and right now that I have not and will not accept donations or in-kind contributions from Big Pharma PACs or Big Pharma companies,” Mr. Perez wrote in a Dec 17 post on X, …”

It may be more appropriate, beneficial, and expeditious if the issue is addressed differently.

It is true that the (pharmaceutical) industry manufactured the vaccines and benefitted immensely. However, the COVID-19 disaster is not their making, in my view. People and political leadership seem to be missing this critical point.

The medical profession, in particular, physicians, consider themselves scientists – falsely and fraudulently, directly or through Government agencies, caused this disaster. They are still promoting false viruses, variant narratives, and fictional illnesses. They conduct false and fraudulent laboratory “research” because they are not trained to be scientists or to do such research. It is all fake science (they conduct and promote).

Therefore, as a first step to addressing the virus/vaccine issue, they should be disqualified from their claim as scientists and laboratory researchers. Their so-called laboratory activity/research must be stopped immediately. The industry will be unable to produce or have the incentive to make fake science-based medicines. Society will benefit healthwise and save resources by avoiding spending on fake and unnecessary medications and treatments.

Further information may be found here (link, link, link, link)

Disaster If WHO Gets Total Medical Control – Dr. Meryl Nass (link).

So, what is the request/suggestion here?

To keep “control” with physicians and their national institutions, like the CDC, FDA, National Medical Associations, etc. Is it not this control by the physicians and their organizations that caused the fake pandemic, as well as the development of fraudulent medications, including vaccines?

I believe the public and experts are missing the point. It is not a ” control ” issue but considering and promoting physicians as “scientists.” This is the problem that caused the fake pandemic.

Physicians do not learn or are trained to be scientists. They are not taught to identify new illnesses, their causes, and their treatment. However, this is what they did and are doing that caused the harm – the pandemic and associated public policy disasters.

In the interview, Dr. Nass acknowledges the COVID-19 illness, which, in reality, does not exist scientifically. There is no illness of this name/nature because it is assumed to be caused by a virus called SARS-COV-2, which is now generally recognized not to exist. It is an illusion from an actual scientific perspective.

Therefore, to avoid potential future (fake) pandemics, physicians’ role must be limited to only what they study and are trained for, i.e., to prescribe medications for recognized illnesses with recommended treatments. Their classification as “scientists” needs to be reconsidered or discontinued (link).

This article is a response to an intense discussion on FB (Link, link, link, link). Considering its length, which may not be suitable for FB, I am posting it as a blog article. My blog visitors, who may not follow FB, would also benefit from the post here.

Wow! Very interesting comments here on this thread and others.

To me, the most interesting ones are the comments concerning my (unacceptable) behavior and (poor) writing and communication skills. It is laughable; many clearly understand what I write about the science and the virus/virology. So, what is the issue? Do you expect that I should have writing skills like competing against a Harry Potter Novel writer or some linguistic expert? Sorry, I write simply using direct words, often science and scientific demands, not in sweet or double-meaning wordings or narratives. Continue here

Two days ago, I posted a link to a Substack article on FB (link), which missed or ignored an important contribution (mine). I do not understand why people felt hurt or angry with the post and comments. See for yourself. Mike Stone (ViroLIEgy fame) even started a separate Thread citing some comments (link).

I wondered what happened and what might have caused such trashy behavior and outbursts by some in the “group.”

It appears that it could be the outcome of a post by Linda (on TG), a simple and short comment supporting my views, which the group could not handle, even though she emphasizes that my views do not contradict those mentioned by non-virus camp.

So, why is so much anger against me and my views? It’s hard to know, except they are sensitive to their false claim, narrative, or science. Is it?

You be the judge. I would appreciate your thoughts on it, if possible, as to why so much anger and bad-mouthing against me.

Thanks to Linda and so many others who read my articles and provided appreciation and support. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all!

If someone has not studied and practiced chemistry, physics and/or mathematics in exhaustive detail and does not have hands-on experience but claims to be a science expert or scientist, in that case, they are fake and must be ignored. (link)

Viruses and their existence and isolation, RNA, spike protein, sequencing, PCR testing, and developing vaccines resulted from fake science/scientists. The science (chemistry) does not support any of these claims. There should not be any debate or argumentation about it.

Furthermore, whenever you see the word “study” or “research,” including those published in peer-reviewed “scientific” journals concerning the virus and its RNA, spike protein, mRNA and/or vaccine, consider that you are presented with false and fraudulent information.

Nobody can do such studies or research as none of the above items are available. No study has ever been done or can be done until they are available in physical form and pure from somewhere. It is not an opinion but a scientific fact.

You are not a fool, but fake scientists have fooled and tricked you with scientific-sounding jargon.

Medical experts, particularly physicians, are often presented as science experts or scientists, which is categorically a false and invalid claim. It is not just my claim or observation; anyone can form this opinion by studying the curriculum of any medical/medicine (M.D.) degree program. (link, link)

You will quickly observe an absence of science teaching and training. The medical degree emphasizes memorizing some physiological and chemical terms to associate with the patient’s symptoms to prescribe well-established allopathic medicines (mostly pure chemicals and non-physiological). There is no actual science or its research anywhere.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that medical experts can not follow the concepts and practices of isolation, purification, and characterization of viruses, RNA, spike protein, and vaccines. These are chemistry-based substances or molecules. Furthermore, it is unfortunate that they do not even try to understand the shortcomings (link) but demean the others, the genuine and actual scientists. The real tragedy!

Unfortunately, the public suffers from fake and false science propaganda, and so do the countries. The tragic mindset needs to be addressed – and quickly.

Information on my training, expertise, and experience is provided here.

I explained this in an earlier article. However, it requires some further clarification. So, the following is based on another analogy.

Assume that people in a city noticed that many have eye infections, reflected by redness and watering of eyes (symptoms). People tried all possible treatments, including the medical one, but to no avail.

So, it is considered a new illness caused by something (“thing/agent”) in the environment, such as air or water (from a pond, lake, or river). This becomes the first observation that something in water/air is causing it. Let us find out. It means extracting/isolating the thing from the air, water, or both. Now, we are starting an isolation step.

Let’s say water (pond, lake, or river) causes more intense illness, so the water may contain a higher quantity of the thing. Therefore, water is chosen for further evaluation or isolation. Water looks quite clear, meaning whatever the thing is in there is mostly of very small size (particles or microbe, we do not know). Most likely, filtration would not help, meaning it would not isolate the thing.

In that case, people usually use adsorption technology. Assuming these are particles, let’s try some adsorbent, such as silica (a refined or specific version of sand). Put some quantity of silica in (very large) quantity of water and leave it there so that the thing may get adsorbed onto silica. Let us assume we are lucky, and that thing got absorbed onto silica. Put an extremely small amount in the eyes (humans, often). Oops, the eyes got flared up right away. So, it means we got the stuff out of water on silica. However, we do not know what it is.

Next, there are ways to get the stuff out of silica. Let us try using a small amount of alcohol. For example, shake the silica with alcohol. Filter again, remove the silica, and evaporate the alcohol part to dryness. Most likely, we will get a small amount of white powder. Reconstitute it with water and test again with eyes (extremely small amount). Wow, eyes reacted again very strongly. Let us assume we are so lucky that the powder after ethanol contains only that compound (extremely rare chance). However, let us assume it is one single component, just particles.

We have isolated the agent of interest.

Send it to the chemical lab to see if it is a chemical in nature. Let us assume it is chemical in nature. Now, the chemistry lab will analyze the chemical composition based on (for example) carbon, hydrogen,  oxygen, nitrogen, etc., and then their arrangement (joining) to establish the molecule’s structure.

If it is a commercially available compound, the chemist will get/buy it, dissolve it in water, and test it on the eyes. If it reproduces the effect, it will confirm that it is the caustic agent or agent of interest. Otherwise, it has to be synthesized (chemically or biologically) and tested with the eyes. If it reproduces the eye effect. Then, it became a new and novel toxin –  label it a “virus”).

We have isolated the new and novel toxin – virus. Label, store, and use it as a reference (gold) standard for future testing or studying.

Do you see any culturing step anywhere? No, culturing is not required for isolation. It’s a gross misunderstanding of the subject of isolation.

However, if it is microbial instead of chemical particles, the sample will be sent to the biological lab to see if they can identify it or if it is new. It will become a microbial standard.

Note it is an extreme example. In practice, a vast number of steps are usually involved (often takes years to complete), but conceptually, this is exactly how the isolation is done or should be done. Also, the chemist/biologist will have a physical sample of the thing at the end, the must requirement of the isolation step. 

I read a recent article by Dr. Maryanne Demasi, “Did Cochrane’s study on masks get it wrong?” which analyzes two views about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of face masks in protecting from viruses and their infection (link).

There is no doubt that both views are presented by parties with high credentials emphasizing their expertise and experience in a write-up. Below are the two views in a nutshell:

  • Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (Cochrane Review, link)

is ” … 2023 Cochrane review which concluded that wearing a face mask “probably makes little or no difference” in preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission.”

  • What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized COVID Mask Analysis? (link)

Criticizes the above by stating, “The Cochrane Library, a trusted source of health information, misled the public by prioritizing rigor over reality” by Naomi Oreskes (Professor of the History of Science at Harvard University)

Reading the articles and having a background in science, especially in research, while working at Health Canada as a research scientist for 30 years, I am quite concerned about the poor quality of scientific research and reasoning provided in the publication (Cochrane Review) and follow-up discussions. Continue here

It is important to note that physicians are taught and trained to write prescriptions for well-established pharmaceuticals (aka potent chemicals and mostly physiologically irrelevant) – no more, no less.

For this purpose, they must memorize some physiology, biology, and chemistry words during the training/education.

Furthermore, they do not study or get training to invent or identify new diseases or develop new treatments (pharmaceuticals/chemicals) – scientifically.

It is unclear how they consider and promote themselves to be scientists and practitioners of science. It is hard to find the basis for their claims. There is practically none. Wrong? Prove it! 

Using the vocabulary from the subjects mentioned above, without relevant laboratory work and with the help of computer drawing software, they declared the existence of the viruses, their RNAs, and spike proteins. It is purely a fictional story without any scientific evidence. No physical specimens of these things are available anywhere. Everything is illusionary or mythical. Wrong? Prove it! 

On top of that, mysterious vaccines have been developed for the imaginary virus or illness. Sketchy details describing the vial’s content have been provided. There is a strong possibility that these vials may contain some unknown content, potentially harmful (microbial) gunk, without usual and standard scientific characterization. Wrong? Prove it! 

Every claim is based on peer/buddy-reviewed articles/”research” from journals labeled “scientific” without accreditation by any independent third party, but primarily by self or news media-proclaimed experts.

In short, the claims about the virus, RNA, spike protein, vaccines, and so-called medical science, in general, are textbook cases of quackery and science fraud. Wrong? Prove it!

It should not, then, be surprising to note that medical/pharmaceutical experts sell/promote vaccines through authorities’ sponsorship and mandates and with the highest levels of immunity. It indicates that they may be aware of the uselessness and harmfulness of the products; otherwise, they would sell directly to consumers/patients like other safe and effective products. Use caution in accepting these experts’ claims. In most cases, they are factually false or not science-based.

The above views are based on my working experience (30 years) as a research scientist at Health Canada for the assessment and evaluation of pharmaceutical products. Further information about related work may be found here: Helpful Notes and the Book by (Dr. Qureshi, co-author), who has extensive experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing, among other specialties.