I read a recent article by Dr. Maryanne Demasi, “Did Cochrane’s study on masks get it wrong?” which analyzes two views about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of face masks in protecting from viruses and their infection (link).

There is no doubt that both views are presented by parties with high credentials emphasizing their expertise and experience in a write-up. Below are the two views in a nutshell:

  • Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (Cochrane Review, link)

is ” … 2023 Cochrane review which concluded that wearing a face mask “probably makes little or no difference” in preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission.”

  • What Went Wrong with a Highly Publicized COVID Mask Analysis? (link)

Criticizes the above by stating, “The Cochrane Library, a trusted source of health information, misled the public by prioritizing rigor over reality” by Naomi Oreskes (Professor of the History of Science at Harvard University)

Reading the articles and having a background in science, especially in research, while working at Health Canada as a research scientist for 30 years, I am quite concerned about the poor quality of scientific research and reasoning provided in the publication (Cochrane Review) and follow-up discussions. Continue here

It is important to note that physicians are taught and trained to write prescriptions for well-established pharmaceuticals (aka potent chemicals and mostly physiologically irrelevant) – no more, no less.

For this purpose, they must memorize some physiology, biology, and chemistry words during the training/education.

Furthermore, they do not study or get training to invent or identify new diseases or develop new treatments (pharmaceuticals/chemicals) – scientifically.

It is unclear how they consider and promote themselves to be scientists and practitioners of science. It is hard to find the basis for their claims. There is practically none. Wrong? Prove it! 

Using the vocabulary from the subjects mentioned above, without relevant laboratory work and with the help of computer drawing software, they declared the existence of the viruses, their RNAs, and spike proteins. It is purely a fictional story without any scientific evidence. No physical specimens of these things are available anywhere. Everything is illusionary or mythical. Wrong? Prove it! 

On top of that, mysterious vaccines have been developed for the imaginary virus or illness. Sketchy details describing the vial’s content have been provided. There is a strong possibility that these vials may contain some unknown content, potentially harmful (microbial) gunk, without usual and standard scientific characterization. Wrong? Prove it! 

Every claim is based on peer/buddy-reviewed articles/”research” from journals labeled “scientific” without accreditation by any independent third party, but primarily by self or news media-proclaimed experts.

In short, the claims about the virus, RNA, spike protein, vaccines, and so-called medical science, in general, are textbook cases of quackery and science fraud. Wrong? Prove it!

It should not, then, be surprising to note that medical/pharmaceutical experts sell/promote vaccines through authorities’ sponsorship and mandates and with the highest levels of immunity. It indicates that they may be aware of the uselessness and harmfulness of the products; otherwise, they would sell directly to consumers/patients like other safe and effective products. Use caution in accepting these experts’ claims. In most cases, they are factually false or not science-based.

The above views are based on my working experience (30 years) as a research scientist at Health Canada for the assessment and evaluation of pharmaceutical products. Further information about related work may be found here: Helpful Notes and the Book by (Dr. Qureshi, co-author), who has extensive experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing, among other specialties.

I watched a recent interview (link) of Prof. Syed Sattar (Retired Professor of Virology from the University of OTTAWA, Canada), who is still active in the area. He is a great friend, and I greatly admire his academic credentials and achievements. I have known him personally and professionally, at least for twenty years.

I find the interview informative, describing the fundamental concepts of virology, notably virus isolation. That is, how the virus isolation concepts are illustrated in virology literature, which Prof. Sattar emphasized as well-established practices and routines in virology laboratories.

However, issues and confusion arise when virologists, including Prof. Sattar, describe isolation as “culturing or its part” as a virus. It is essentially their critical misunderstanding, i.e., considering “culture” and the “virus” as the same thing. In reality and scientifically, they have to be and are two separate entities. I often describe the difference between the two as being chicken (“virus”) and “soup,” which may or may not contain the chicken/virus.

To show the presence or existence of a virus, the virus (if there) must be isolated or separated from the culture. The separation of the virus from culture and its content is called the “isolation” step, which has never been done. This is the confusion or misunderstanding virologists and microbiologists have and are unwilling to take the time to consider or evaluate.

They often defend their position by arguing that viruses (particles) are minute in size and number and cannot be seen or isolated (separated) from cells (culture) to observe. Therefore, viruses and culture have to go together and side by side. Hence, it resulted in considering/calling culturing or culture a “virus.”

It is to be noted that there is no objection to the culturing step, which, in reality, is a fermentation step for growing or multiplying the viruses. However, once the viruses are sufficiently multiplied, they MUST be isolated or separated to evaluate their identity and characteristics, such as structure, RNA/DNA proteins, etc. This step is missing.

So, effectively, virologists work with cultures but make claims about them as “viruses.” It is like working with debris from a forest but selling it as novel and rare wood dust particles.

Seeing the photographs with low or high-resolution microscopes does not establish the presence of something, just like seeing small yellow particles would not confirm the presence of gold in the sample. The particles must be isolated/separated to characterize them.

It is an invalid argument that viruses are small (in size and number), so they cannot be seen without culturing or separating from cells. Smaller items like carbon, hydrogen atoms, and molecules are commonly available in isolated and purified forms with full characterization or certifications.

If the claim is that there are viruses, then these entities, considered particles, must be available in, isolated, purified, and fully characterized. Nothing of this nature is available, including for the coronaviruses. Calling or considering cultures/isolates as viruses is an incorrect understanding that needs to be abandoned.

Links to some articles for further information on the topic:

  • Buyer Beware! (link)
  • Centrifugation Does Not Isolate (link)
  • COVID Virus: Isolate, isolated, and isolation – a picture is worth a thousand words (link)
  • Gain Of Function Research – As Fake As The Virus! (link)
  • My training and expertise – people ask! (link)
  • For more (link)

People do not realize that it is not only COVID-19/Ivermectin, as an example of so-called clinical trials, but most, if not all, will be shown to be invalid. As I have explained several times, the reason is that clinical trials are a specific type of analytical (chemistry) test. Unfortunately, these tests/trials are done and promoted fraudulently as valid and scientific. Proper analytical tests require precise and quantifiable outcomes (endpoints) using VALIDATED analytical tests/methods.

In the case of current practices of clinical trials, there is no such thing – neither an objective and qualifiable endpoint (but mostly subjective symptoms or arbitrary markers) nor validated tests (but non-validated and irrelevant tests such as PCR, drug dissolution). Hence, a valid clinical or scientific trial cannot be conducted, particularly under the guidance of medical experts and related regulatory authorities who lack the necessary training and understanding of the subject/testing.

Do not forget the disastrous failure of the clinical trials and the vaccine development for COVID-19. The catastrophic outcome of the vaccine was accurately predicted based on the understanding of flawed PCR tests and the analytical or scientific aspects of clinical trials (link, link, link, and much more at Bioanalyticx.com).

Further information may be found here: Helpful Notes and the Book by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing, among other specialties.

People should keep in mind that physicians, including specialists like cardiologists, virologists, immunologists, oncologists, etc., are not trained for chemicals (deceptively called medicines) and their development and testing.

This lack of training and practice/”research” in chemical science (chemistry) caused the fake science practices of virology/immunology. It resulted in development of harmful “medicines,” so-called vaccines, and other related claims.

If it had been seen from the scientific aspects of chemicals/substances, it would have become instantaneously apparent that there is no virus, valid test, and safe and effective vaccines. There is a lesson to be learned here.

If the chemical aspect is considered, the assessment of the diseases (diagnosis) in general would become much easier, and developed treatments would be much simpler and more efficient.

Similarly, practices requiring social distancing, face masks, and lockdowns would become unnecessary, as they would easily be shown as unscientific. Most likely, there will not be pandemics in the future, certainly not viral ones.

I suggest medical professionals and experts seek help from knowledgeable chemists/scientists in developing and assessing medicines (generally non-physiological chemicals).

Further information on the topic may be found here: Helpful Notes, the Book, and Blog by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing among other specialties.

Have you ever wondered why most medicines are kept behind the counters, obtainable through prescriptions only, and sold by pharmacists only, while the products are approved by authorities such as the FDA, Health Canada, and others as safe and effective?

The reality is that they have never been shown appropriately safe and effective but are only presumed to be by the authorities. In general, physicians and pharmacists do not know this either. They also assume that the authorities have (scientifically) tested and validated the claims of safety and effectiveness. They do not. No one does! The debacle of COVID-19 and vaccines has provided glaring proof, which I  have been trying to tell for at least 20 years. Continue here

Is This Vax Really Adulterated per Kirsch/Bridle/McKernan? (link)

Below is my view on the topic.

@ “Is This Vax Really Adulterated … “

There is no way to find out because no pure or unadulterated one is available. Why?

Rituals are often followed in medical/pharmaceutical practice (“science”), and things get declared based on a sellable story with some scientific-sounding jargon.

It is like a gain of function (GOF) research. Scientifically and logically, the first step is to show the baseline/reference, i.e., the original version (“virus”), followed by the tampered one, a variant or modified (link).

However, the “original virus” has never been shown, but the tampered ones have been described. Why? It promotes and maintains the non-existent “virus” story as if it is something real.

Similarly, some have started discussing adulterated (tampered) vaccines while no vaccine (unadulterated/reference) is available. It is just junk in the vial, without any control or defined content to make the story believable that an actual vaccine exists.

Note that I wrote earlier, even before the vaccine development, that it is impossible to develop a vaccine, and indeed, there is no vaccine (unadulterated or adulterated), just false claims. (link).

Obtain a copy of Helpful Notes to learn about the misunderstanding of the science behind the viruses/vaccines/pharmaceuticals (link).

About the view that vaccine(s) may include some type of DNA targeting, I responded as follows:

Being a chemist/scientist all my life, and mainly in the pharmaceutical area, when I read about pharmaceuticals, including viruses and vaccines, it is evident to me that medical experts clearly describe chemistry in a glorified and catchy language. However, most of their claims do not make sense and are often false and fraudulent.

You mentioned “DNA targeting.” yes, indeed, this is possible, but is it happening? I seriously doubt it. If medical/pharmaceutical experts cannot isolate a virus, RNA, or spike protein, they cannot (not capable) of working with DNA targeting, as assumed. So, it is fancy language to impress that something (high-level “science”) is happening.

On the other hand, as I described (here and here), it looks like they are injecting partial or unpurified cell culture (as a “vaccine”), assuming it is mRNA and is causing the problems (adverse effects), including deaths.

The only and easiest/quickest way to find out is to get an audit done by experts with experience in isolation/purification to establish if the mRNA/vaccine is pure as described or junk.

However, in the current (regulatory) system, an audit is done by experts who have no or limited experience in isolation and purification and have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, so they will provide fancy stories and seek more funding for “research” to prepare for next “pandemic” and “vaccine.”

Further information on the topic may be found here: Helpful Notes, the Book, and Blog by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing among other specialties.

I responded to someone on the topic of virus shedding. I thought my response would be helpful for the visitors here, as well.

Both sides of the physicians (for and against the virus/shedding) use the literature in support of their argument. However, the literature is incorrect because it is based on the assumption of the existence of the virus.

A few things discussed about the virus/virology are spike protein, RNA, DNA, mRNA, the virus (a composite of protein and RNA), and vaccines (a composite of assumed mRNA and other ingredients). The described literature is based on these items, which are chemicals in nature.

It should be evident that people should consult and follow chemists to learn about these things. Why do people follow physicians and seek advice about the chemicals from them when it is known that they are not knowledgeable in chemistry/science to the extent needed to explain these things?

I am a chemist who has worked in the area for over 35+ years. Seeing the chemical descriptions and narratives in the medical/pharmaceutical literature tells me everything written is nonsense and garbage.

Why – because when the claims are made about the compounds/chemicals (noted above), the simple fact is that they must be available in a physical form, isolated, purified, and fully characterized. Period – no question asked!

However, the literature does not provide any evidence of the existence of the noted compounds or their composites (showing pictures of SOUP (GUNK) is not scientific evidence of their existence). Hence, nothing is real—neither the virus, vaccine, testing nor their shedding. Enjoy your God-given life to its fullest without fear. Do not distance away from your loved ones and those who care about you.

This is the best I can say. I hope this will be helpful.

Further information on the topic may be found here: Helpful Notes, the Book, and Blog by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing among other specialties.