While walking through a street in the Slough area during my recent visit to London (England), I noticed a shop (pharmacy) sign. It is marked in bold and bigger letters as a chemist’s shop – nowadays a rarity. A Google search for Chemist shops (aka pharmacies) may find many similar photos (link).
Unfortunately, people have completely forgotten the origin of pharmacy, which is chemistry. By ignoring this origin, pharmacy and medical practices have transformed into a false and fraudulent science. However, these subjects still use chemistry terminologies without their correct chemistry/science meanings and interpretations. This led to fake science and created non-exciting diseases and treatments, such as recent claims of infections, viruses, vaccines, and pandemics. None of these has any true scientific basis.
A recent book (Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon) clearly explains this misinterpretation of chemistry/science providing help in addressing the issues of “modern diseases” and their “fake treatments.”
Please, consider reading it – available from Amazon (link).