Here is the time to wish you all the very best for the New Year. It is time to remember the past and look forward to hope in the New World that awaits us (not the New World Order, which is disgusting, as understood).

I wish you all to be happy and healthy and achieve genuine success.

The success is the one I worry about the most, i.e., it must be genuine. It means it must bring health and happiness to you and others. The past four years of the virus/COVID-19 Pandemic have seen a tragic example of false (non-genuine) success for some, particularly in medical and pharmaceutical areas.

They all claimed to be science experts or so-called scientists; however, they ruined the lives and livelihoods of a large world population. It is the biggest lie they told to achieve “success.”

The science in this regard is chemistry, which they never studied in significant detail. They created version after version of their “science” to promote that false science, the fraud – in the name of success.

Therefore, my hope and prayer for the New Year is that they should get out of the “science business” and return to practice what they are being taught and learned, i.e., prescribing and delivering well-established allopathic medicines. No more inventing new illnesses and their treatments and Germ and Terrain theories, please. They are all mental gymnastics without scientific support or relevance to public health.

Unfortunately, this mental gymnastic has created a new breed of even worse “scientists” who just read some articles, imagine stuff, and promote “science research.” You need to help yourself as no one is there to help you. May Almighty protect you from the false “success” chasers!

If you ask me for a suggestion to get out of the unfortunate situation, I would suggest that as allopathic medicines are chemicals or chemical-based, they must be manufactured and sold on the open market (not behind the counters) by appropriately trained chemists with a guarantee of the quality of their products with a certificate readable and understandable by consumers/patients.

With this note, I wish you all the best for the coming New Year. Enjoy your life while keeping a distance from fear and the fearmongers, especially virus promoters.

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