Many times people asked me how it is that I provided convincing arguments against the existence of the virus, (PCR, antigen, etc.) testing, the COVID-19 pandemic, and mRNA vaccine developments.
I made the predictions accurately early in the pandemic without being a medical expert. Further, why do others with similar academic backgrounds, i.e., having chemistry expertise, not speak out or make such a convincing case?
The reason is that what medical and biological experts describe (testing, isolation, RNA, proteins, pharmaceutical/vaccine development) are chemistry topics, not medical ones. Hence, their claims are mostly scientifically incorrect and invalid. Please visit my blog (link) describing how science/chemistry explains these aspects clearly, easily, and accurately.
The subject (my specialty) is analytical chemistry, a subdiscipline of the main subject.
Most often, four main subdisciplines of chemistry are taught at undergraduate levels. They are organic-, inorganic-, physical-, and bio-chemistry. Analytical chemistry is a separate sub-class that comes later and may be considered a specialization.
Often bio-chemistry is considered chemistry in medical/biological areas. However, unfortunately, biochemistry generally does not deal with the topics mentioned; hence cannot address the issues. It is more like part of the practice of medicine.
Not many study analytical chemistry in greater depth but use it as part of their subject. However, I happened to have studied this in detail. My M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses were in analytical chemistry.
Further, being part of Health Canada (30 years), I had to study several medical-related subjects such as pharmaceuticals, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, statistics, clinical trials, and regulatory requirements and standards. This unique combination of training and expertise helps me see things from different perspectives, which is hard to see if one studies only the medical or chemistry (science) area. It also helps me write clearly, which would be difficult if one is unaware of this needed combination.
So, if anyone wants a second and scientifically valid opinion about viruses and virology, particularly medicines (chemicals), look for a trained analytical chemist with strong medical and biological knowledge.
Consider obtaining copies of my Helpful Notes and recent book, which explain the topics in detail.