It just appeared on the computer screens. It has a hole in the middle. Therefore appropriately named A-holeIRIS (aka Omicron). So far, it has not bothered its viewers but looks scary because of the hole. Considering its better aerodynamic design, it is predicted that it can travel much faster speed hence more contagious. Now what?
Furthermore, rumors (“science”) indicate it has structural similarity to a popular food item (shown on the side). Therefore, experts advise that consumption of all related food items and their ingredients should be stopped immediately. Experts are working on developing a Wackoccine for the A-holeIRIS. However, in the meantime, using any of the current “90%+ effective” vaccines be considered essential. Please, remain fearful!
Bottom line: It is just another picture with a fancy name. So take it as it should be – a picture of an imaginary object. Its existence is as fake as its original version, which has yet to be found anywhere!