Pharmacokinetic (PK) Parameters Values for Estimating Blood Drug Concentration-time (C-t) Profiles

Estimating drug conc.-time (C-t) profiles from drug dissolution results requires the use of a few PK parameters of the drug (link). The values for the parameters can be obtained from the literature, however, these values may vary from study to study or source to source. This makes the comparison of results (profiles) between studies difficult. To minimize such differences and for improved comparison, a list of values of these parameters would be useful.

To fulfill this need a new list under the “Useful Lists” section has been added (link). The values described in the list are those which are considered appropriate at this time. However, the list and values are subject to change if and when more appropriate values are suggested. Please consider contributing to the list by submitting suggestions for new additions and/or revisions to

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