The main promoted claim from regulatory authorities such as the US FDA, Health Canada, and other national and international agencies concerning pharmaceutical products, such as tablets/capsules, is that they ensure that the public or patients receive quality medicinal or drug products. In this regard, it should go without saying that to establish the quality of products in a scientific manner, one would require to define the quality of a product in an objective manner with a measurable metric. However, at present, regulatory authorities worldwide do not provide such a definition or metric (link). Therefore, it is not possible to establish and/or assess the quality of the manufactured products.
Current practices of proclaimed monitoring and/or establishing the quality of products are based on traditional views and opinions compiled as Guidance documents and related compliance requirements. Although such documents and requirements are numerous of increasing complexities, their content remains subjective and arbitrary in nature, and in many cases, scientifically invalid and contradictory. This has given birth to fantastic illusionary practices of quality assessment named as pharmaceutical science, regulatory science, risk management (science), quality management (science), compliance, inspections, etc. However, the fact remains that no one is monitoring the quality of products, nor are they able to monitor it, as the “quality” is an unknown or undefined entity. This is a fanciful example of an “illusionary science” promoted and practiced by most “experts” in the area, causing delays and hindrances in obtaining and manufacturing of products in a cost-effective and timely manner.
Such an impeding, confusing, and illusionary situation can be eliminated if one would define the quality of a pharmaceutical product, which is relatively easy to define as suggested here (link). Therefore, it is humbly requested that regulatory authorities take note of this request and consider including a definition of a quality product so that needed quality products could be manufactured in a timely and efficient manner.