COVID-19 and SARS-COV-2 are based on PCR tests, which by definition, is not valid test. In simple terms, the PCR test does not test/detect a virus or its infection – it cannot. Unfortunately, people in general, experts/physicians in particular, are unaware of this fact. Instead, they are blindly following the fed narrative.
Suppose a thermometer (tester) shows a high temperature (fever) for an otherwise healthy and happy person. In that case, it does not mean the thermometer is telling a hidden fever or illness, but the thermometer is faulty. Unfortunately, this is how often positive PCR results are interpreted for COVID-19, e.g., see here (link) – an utterly wrong interpretation.
Therefore, as the (PCR) test is fake, the virus and its associated illness and treatment are fake too.
If you would like to discuss this aspect in further detail, please seek help from someone who is trained and works in the science of testing, i.e., test method development and validation. Professionals (such as physicians, immunologists, virologists, microbiologists, molecular biologists, and epidemiologists) would not be able to help. These professionals have no or limited training and understanding of the subject (test development and validation). They are as confused in this regard as anyone else and make false decisions and claims.