
“Dr. Qureshi, I’d love to have your views on this video by a virologist who claims there are 3 independent lines of evidence. I think Dr. Cowan/Kaufman probably addressed it but i can’t seem to locate their rebuttal.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWNGKUm6Eo0


I did not find anything new in the clip. To me, it describes the same story repeated numerous times i.e., culturing is considered isolation. This is where the issue is. One requires extraction, not culturing, for isolation. Yet, there is no mention of extraction.

There is a mention of the technique “sucrose ultracentrifugation” or “gradient ultracentrifugation.” However, these cannot work here, and the interpretation is incorrect.

Using ultracentrifugation requires calibration to establish where the “SARS-COV-2” virus (particles) will fall in the gradient band. This (calibration) can only be achieved by first experimenting (ultracentrifugation) with pure isolated virus particles. As no isolated virus particles are available, ultracentrifugation cannot be calibrated or used correctly. Hence the interpretation of ultracentrifugation is false and irrelevant at best.

Considering the pictures (independent of photography type), CANNOT establish the nature of the objects, in particular in a culture or soup. I have explained this aspect here. So please, have a look.

So, in conclusion, the virus has not been isolated and/or identified, at least scientifically. I hope this will help.

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