IVIVC is commonly referred to as having an in vitro dissolution method which can relate to dissolution or absorption properties of a drug in vivo, mostly in humans. It is further assumed that an analyst will use a paddle or basket apparatus to develop such IVIVC. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that the use of paddle and basket apparatuses has never been validated for establishing IVIVC i.e., whether or not these apparatuses are capable of providing relevant in vivo results. Successful examples of such IVIVC are rare if any. More recent literature highlights that lack of an appropriate stirring/mixing environment within dissolution vessels for these apparatuses may NOT properly reflect in vivo (or bio-relevant) environment, thus demonstrating their inability to provide IVIVC.

Therefore, when considering developing IVIVC or evaluating published literature/studies in this regard, one should be cautious because the conclusions drawn could be misleading and/or erroneous.

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