People do not realize that “clinical trials” are a form of (analytical) testing for medicine development and assessment, i.e., it is a fancy name for testing. But, scientifically, the current practice of clinical trials is as valid as the world-known fraudulent PCR testing and other related (Rapid test/antibody test, etc.). However, for a test to be valid, one requires a reference standard (in this case, the virus) that is unavailable. Hence, all the testing and results (cases, pandemics, waves) become irrelevant and fraudulent.

Similarly, conducting clinical trials requires appropriate treatment testing, including for vaccines against an illness, in this case, the virus or patient with illness/virus, and none is available. Hence, it is impossible to conduct relevant and scientifically valid clinical trials. Therefore, relevant clinical trials for COVID-19 have NEVER been done – it is not an opinion but a (scientific) fact.

It could be argued that the medical community and experts are aware of this weakness and fraud. So, the approach is to move to the next level to hide the fraud. In this case, clinical trials (which could not be conducted) are conducted with arbitrary and unrelated markers such as (RNA, PCR-positive/negative, antibody, variant, etc.) to fool people that science is being followed. It should be understood that science has never been followed in the COVID-19 case. Again, it is not an opinion but a scientific fact.

Everything is based on a biased “peer (buddy) review system,” not on an independent third party or scientific review. Hence, in the future, some system needs to implement for critical evaluation of testing and medicine/vaccine development and assessment. It is of utmost importance to note that testing and product development, including vaccines, do not fall in the area of practice of medicine. Unfortunately, it has been misplaced, and a change is urgently needed (1, 2)

Most do not realize that this, in reality, is the “modern” approach to defining and monitoring diseases. The medical experts need some serious soul searching on this aspect. Furthermore, they promote their approach is scientific or science-based. However, it is far from it! It is to be noted that medical institutions do not teach science or provide training in scientific research but in the practice of medicines, hence resulting in enormous confusion and misunderstanding about the subject and science.

  • Disinformation (link)
  • Prove It Wrong – Challenge! (link)
  • Anti-Vaxxers vs Vaxxers (link)
  • COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
  • (Video) Virus, COVID, pandemic, vaccine, and testing: fiction, not reality or science! (link)

Alec Zeck of The Way Forward hosts a live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both Monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large. (video recording link)

or convenience, start times of the prensations are provided below if one likes to jump to a particular speaker.

(TOM COWAN @ 0:1:30), (SAM BAILEY @ 0:8:41), (MIKE STONE @ 0:10:45), (ANDY KAUFMAN @ 0:31:13), CHRISTINE MASSEY @ 0:49:13), (MARK BAILEY @ 0:58:21), (KEVIN CORBETT @ 1:01:17 ), (SAEED QURESHI @ 1:19:00), ( ERIC COPPOLINO @1:29:00), (AMANDHA VOLLMER @ 1:41:49), (Q&A @ 1:50:50)


There is a virus-based pandemic (Link)

There is a virus (SARS-COV-2) (Link)

There is a test for the virus (Link)

The virus has been isolated (Link)

The RNA/virus has been sequenced (Link)

The spike protein is real and from the virus (Link).

The vaccines, including mRNA, have been tested against the virus (Link)

The vaccines are effective against the virus and protect people (Link)

There is evidence that face-mask and social distance provide protection (Link)

Lockdown can stop the spread of the virus (Link)

Physicians are trained in the science of isolation and identification of viruses (Link)

Science has been followed (Link)

Prove it wrong!

Researcher: ‘We Made a Big Mistake’ on COVID-19 Vaccine Article

The science clearly indicated a flawed and poor assessment of the mRNA vaccine and its dangers, which were described and predicted at the early stage of the vaccine’s development and introduction. See here. It was published on PSI as well (link)

The article makes an even bigger mistake: associating a protein (spike protein) with a nonexisting virus, i.e., rationalizing and justifying a nonexistent virus/illness and a “treatment” for it. ((link)).

 It is controlled opposition, desperately trying to save the “science” and professions of viruses/medicines. However, I think they are dead now or will soon!

It is now obvious that two opposite views exist concerning the COVID-19 pandemic:

(1) the official one, supported mainly by physicians and related establishments, believes that the virus and the pandemic are real;

(2) the rest, mostly scientists, including some physicians and alternative medicine practicing groups, believe that the virus story is unscientific and a hoax.

However, as views held by both sides remain strong, the question is which view be considered correct and be followed. Until it is not decided which view is correct, it is impossible to address the virus and pandemic situation, and such cannot be stopped or avoided in the future. This article provides a discussion to address the issue by critically evaluating the handling of the issue by medical practitioners and establishments. Continue here