A compilation of blog postings in two files (virus/vaccine and pharmaceutical). The posts are written by Saeed Qureshi, Ph.D., over the past 12 years, describing the lack of science and scientific methods for assessing such substances. They are written in easy-to-understand language, equally understandable for experts and others lacking relevant science backgrounds. Continue here.

They are must-reads for anyone seeking information to make informed choices about the substances – a great gift idea for those you care about.

Please, consider suggesting these Notes to the people in authority, such as members of parliament/congress, to help them make appropriate laws based on true science.

BUY the Notes here.

It is a psychological game to keep discussing an imaginary or fictitious object to indirectly convince or confuse the public that the object is real and exists.

In this respect, the gain of function (GoF) discussions and inquiries are to create a distraction from the reality of the virus’s non-existence and the fraudulent science.

A GoF means modifying the original product or process to improve its functionality. In principle, GoF itself is not a bad or wicked practice.

For example, if one likes to take a photo of a large wall painting when the distance away from the painting is limited. Then one would use a wide-angle lens. The wide-angle lens provides a gain of function for the camera with the standard lens.

Similarly, if the object is far away and appears very small, one uses a telephoto lens to bring the object near to take a reasonable-quality photo. Again, it will be considered as GoF as well.

The important point is that first, one must have a camera with a standard lens; only then improvement to it can be made and measured.  

If the product and process have deleterious properties, those properties could also be enhanced under GoF. Therefore, such studies are often conducted as a part of scientific research to learn the mechanisms of processes to control or further exploit the GoF.

In the case of virus research, it is assumed that GoF is about making a virus from dangerous to deadlier. However, it may not necessarily be an accurate assumption.

On the other hand, the questionable aspect of GoF concerning the virus is that it is a lie because no one has the “standard” virus specimen. Therefore, working or conducting research (aka GoF) with viruses is impossible.

Laboratories and experts do not show any tangible product from the research of any “altered” virus. It is hard to believe, but there is no evidence that scientific research on the GoF aspect related to the virus has ever been conducted.

The GoF research appears to be just another catchy phrase like the virus, virus-RNA, spike-protein, variant, isolation, sequencing, etc., without real-world evidence.

One can argue that experts and authorities have thoroughly fooled the public and others and wasted public and private financial resources.

An audit to clarify and settle the GoF debate is urgently needed by an independent (non-medical) third party, preferably science/chemistry-based.

However, as it stands now, the GoF research is as fake as the virus itself!

A cardiologist or immunologist (or physician, in general) is considered an expert/specialist on chemicals (medicines, including vaccines) and chemical testing (PCR, Rapid test, sequencing, etc.) without having relevant training and working experience.

However, having many years of training and working experience with chemicals, chemists/scientists are considered to have irrelevant expertise and opinions on the subjects. Why is it so?

Next time you are asked to follow the science (or advice), ensure the expert or specialist has some documented relevant working experience.

For further details, please follow the links below.

  1. Science is missing – simple and clear! (link)
  2.  An M.D. degree is not a science degree! (link)
  3. Science at the authorities – deceptive and fraudulent! (link)
  4. Nowhere to be found! (link)
  5. What is medicine? (link)

Pushers of PCR, Rapid/antigen, and drug dissolution tests should pay attention.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov 18 (Reuters) – A federal judge on Friday sentenced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes to 11 years and three months in prison for defrauding investors in her now-defunct blood-testing startup that was once valued at $9 billion.

“U.S. Attorney Stephanie Hinds said the sentence for Holmes “reflects the audacity of her massive fraud and the staggering damage she caused.”  (Link)

The PCR, Rapid/antigen and dissolution testing fall under the false (invalid) testing category. More details here (Link, Link, Link).

The following is a brief scientific explanation of mRNA technology, often presented as something new, advanced, or novel.

The literature described it (mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid) as a chemical compound  (a shorter version of nucleic acid or RNA), like a peptide molecule, compared to protein, the larger(chain or necklace) molecule. It may be impressive and overwhelming for medical professionals because of limited learning and understanding of science/chemistry; otherwise, nothing is unique or novel about its nature and characteristics as a chemical molecule/compound. (Continue here)

Dear All:

My old blog (www.drug-dissolution-testing.com)  was hacked, damaged, and could not be repaired. So, to address the problem, I had to start a new blog which is www.bioanalyticx.com. It has been in use for the past several months. I have now moved all posts from the older site to the new site.

Sorry for all the inconvenience it may have caused in reaching out to the missing or corrupted posts.

The new site is working well. The site is given a new name to reflect the broader subject/science it covers. The site is possibly the best source of information on the scientific aspects of pharmaceuticals, including vaccines. But, more importantly, it provides an authoritative, independent third-party assessment of medical/pharmaceutical literature marred with a biased and one-sided (peer) view of those not appropriately trained in science subjects.

I hope you will continue visiting the site and introducing it to your friends and colleagues. Please, consider supporting the site with your generous donations. Without your support, it is becoming difficult to maintain the site and keep it up to date.

Thank you all!

A little over six years ago, I wrote a blog describing the practice of nonsensical science for pharmaceutical evaluations at the regulatory authorities and the industry. My decades of experience seeing the “science” at regulatory authorities could be summarized as shown in the post here (Link).

In this regard, the “science” in the pharmaceutical area is based on a technique known as drug dissolution testing,  which forms the basis of product quality assessments, particularly tablets and capsules. The testing is a mandatory requirement and is done worldwide.

Unfortunately, scientifically it is an invalid technique and should not be used for any purpose because it will provide a false assessment of the product quality and hence their safety and efficacy (Link).

Almost four years ago, I submitted a Citizen Petition to the FDA requesting to remove the invalid testers from the regulatory requirements. However, while acknowledging the invalidity of the testers, the FDA recently rejected the petition (Link).

It clearly shows incompetency in science at the authorities and disregard in addressing the issue related to assessing the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

If such a deficiency had occurred and been acknowledged by a manufacturer, it would have been shut down immediately, followed by legal ramifications – not so with the authorities or FDA.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a direct result of this ignorance and incompetence. The pandemic is also based on testing, which is known as PCR. The same problems have been noted with PCR testing, i.e., invalid testing that cannot detect viruses and their variants and vaccine efficacy (Link).

Therefore, by default, the pandemic becomes fake and false. Everything about viruses, vaccination, and the pandemic is based on flawed testing. Consequently, it has to be scientifically fake and false – period! However, authorities are promoting them as science-based, like the false claims of (high-quality) approved pharmaceutical products.

Moreover, like dissolution testing, highly confusing and irrelevant fancy technical jargon authenticated by high credential (mostly medical/pharmaceutical, not science) experts promoting the fake science of PCR-based viruses, testing, and vaccination (Link).  

The problems associated with the virus, testing, and pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, are because of invalid testing (aka fake or pseudo-science), which requires immediate attention.

To understand “viruses” or anything related to diseases and medicines logically and scientifically, one needs to study and understand the actual science (chemistry subject). But unfortunately, “experts” ignore this aspect and make false and fraudulent claims.

Considering a fundamental understanding of the science subject, it was clear (and described) from the beginning of the pandemic that there is no virus, testing is false, and vaccines have to be fake and potentially dangerous.

So, when you hear medical/pharmaceutical experts on the topics, keep the above-mentioned thought in mind; most narratives will be fake and false.

The following will help in clarifying the issues.

COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)

(Video) Virus, COVID, pandemic, vaccine, and testing: fiction, not reality or science! (link)

Science for the pandemic at the authorities: false in fact fraudulent – requires urgent action! (link)

Facts and data-based science (link)

An M.D. degree is not a science degree! (link)

And much more here (link)

It is critical to note that an M.D. degree is not a science degree. But unfortunately, holders of the degree are considered and promoted as scientists, which caused the erroneous claims of the viruses, testing, pandemic, and treatments (vaccines).

Most of the claims made in this regard, such as DNA/RNA, proteins, their isolation, purification, characterization, testing, and sequencing, belong to chemistry (science) subjects and should be part of such expertise and faculties.

There are indications that claims about the COVID-19 pandemic, made by experts with M.D. degrees and associated organizations such as CDC and FDA, are in retraction [link, link]. However, such (COVID-19, vaccination) aberrations are considered as rare, implying “science” is genuine and should continue as such for new and more viruses, illnesses, and vaccines.

When dealing with such claims, one should keep in mind that medical experts have never been able to show any evidence of the existence of the virus from any source, lab, or animal. Instead, their claims are based only on PCR testing or sequencing.

PCR testing is a scientifically invalid technique with no link to the virus/variants or illness. Further, the described sequencing technique is not sequencing but the opposite, i.e., assembling some chemical molecules to obtain computer-based fictional RNAs (chemical compounds, not viruses) — a scientifically invalid and false claim and practice.

The only reason such studies and claims are published and accepted is that they are reviewed or authenticated by “peers/buddies” with similar flawed training and mindset. Independent third-party reviews of the published literature by scientists with expertise in the respective subjects have never been done. In this respect, it would be safe to assume that most of the published literature based on PCR testing and sequencing assessments for viruses and their related illnesses must be false and scientifically invalid and should be retracted.

Further, in the future, medical degrees should be considered a trade certification, not a science degree, which will help avoid future disasters of faulty testing and misdiagnosis.

For further details (link, link, link, link)

It is generally accepted now that the virus SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated. But unfortunately, virologists and medical experts still believe in it and make false claims. Their view on virus existence and/or isolation is described as follows (from the Reuters Fact Check team – link):

There are numerous examples of scientists isolating SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID -19, and sequencing its genome. The argument about purification relates to 19th Century microbiological theory that does not apply to viruses. The novel coronavirus has been proven to exist and has caused millions of deaths worldwide.”

If one reads the sentence carefully, “The argument about purification relates to 19th Century microbiological theory that does not apply to viruses,” it means they do not believe in standard (old fashion) purification of things and do not have the (purified) virus. That is, there is no isolated virus available. Therefore, the non-existence of the virus has been accepted indirectly.

On the other hand, experts claim that the virus’s existence (“novel coronavirus has been proven to exist”) is based on the sequencing of virus RNA.

What is sequencing? “The genome (i.e., RNA) sequence of a virus is the sequence or order of bases or letters (representing nucleotides) that makes up a virus’s genetic material or its genome. If you were to write down the genome sequence of a particular coronavirus, it would be a series of about 30,000 letters.” (link).

RNAs, DNAs, genes, genomes, etc., are represented by four chemical compounds (nucleotides, or bases); adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine (or uracil). They are abbreviated by four alphabet letters ACGT (or ACGU).

Sequencing means learning or determining (experimentally) the exact sequence (order) of the building blocks (the letters) that make up all RNA molecules. It means one has to have an RNA, and its sequence is determined by chopping (the nucleotides) piece by piece. However, as described above, the virus is not available, and its RNA cannot be available either. Therefore, sequencing is not possible. Hence, sequencing of the virus or its RNA has never been done. Saying it otherwise is incorrect and deceptive.

What is being done is assembling/building short nucleic acid chains (opposite of sequencing) based on a pre-conceived template (called primers). The obtained short chains are then extended to longer chains using computer software and modeling, naming them as RNAs of the viruses or their variants. The technical name of this process is PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction.

It is like, one is given some beads of four colors and asked to build imaginary necklaces. Then, the experts assemble necklaces, name them viruses or variants, and call this assembly step (incorrectly) sequencing!

Therefore, claims of RNA sequencing are scientifically inaccurate, and actual sequencing has never been done.