The issue is that most of the pandemic descriptions/predictions are based on epidemiology which is not per se a science subject but a statistical data analysis routine. Epidemiologists use the data and assumptions provided to them by others, such as laboratories, to make predictions.

Unfortunately, they are often unaware of the relevancy and accuracy of the test used and/or the data obtained from the test – the PCR test in point. They have no idea that the test assumptions and procedures are flawed or corrupted. Therefore, their predictions are usually grossly inaccurate and unpredictable, as observed with the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence they should not be considered an authority on the COVID-19 until the testing choice and procedure are corrected.  

The epidemiologists believe in the PCR test and that it is a relevant and accurate test and is telling about the virus – that is the problem. The problem can only be resolved by recognizing that testing and its data are false. Who would do that – not the epidemiologists or the medical experts, only the testing scientists such as analytical chemists, as an example? Hence, the false pandemic will continue for a while.


Virology, in particular, and modern medical “science,” in general, have so successfully brainwashed people that to be considered intelligent or worth listening to, one must first say that “I am not an anti-vaxxer.” Otherwise, they will be considered science deniers or intelligence deficient.

It is a very smart and effective con-artistry to protect and promote fraudulent science. Fortunately, this con-artistry will soon end at a huge human and financial cost!

The story (or tragedy) of COVID-19 is a case in point. I should qualify that practices and the tragedy of mandates (masks, social distances, vaccination, etc.) are ending. But unfortunately, vaccination’s tragedy (adverse effects) may continue for a long time.

The question is, why and how did this tragedy happen? It is because of the flawed (fraudulent) science of the vaxxers. But, first, people must recognize that it has never been science but an illusion (deception or fraud) of the science of naming diseases and selling  “remedies,”  which brought the tragedy.

Vaccination (vaxxers) is just one version of that broader tragedy, often sold as science-based medicines. In this respect, anti-vaxxers are, in fact, anti-false science of medicines and should be respected and not be labeled with disqualification.

Some say, “I am a Covid -19 mRNA gene therapy; Experimental “vaccine” anti-vaxxer, not an anti-vaxxer.”

But, the current “vaccine” or its claims are made by the experts who claimed the goodness of earlier vaccines. They used the same old “scientific” approach to define the current vaccine’s goodness, e.g., calculating Relative Vaccine Efficacy (RVE) but promoted Vaccine Efficacy (VE) fraudulently, an unpardonable act (link). Furthermore, they used a test to monitor the virus, which has no link or relevance (link, link). Moreover, no study has ever been conducted with an (isolated) virus, but with some filth (isolate/cell culture) presented as the virus – this is not scientific or science but a fraud! (link, link)

Believe it or not, the vaxxers have nothing to show for the past four decades of “scientific research” but false claims and deceptions supported by buddies (peers). Therefore, saying that I am not an anti-vaxxer indirectly supports the vaccination and its false science. Please do not do that – communicate clearly and directly your objections to challenge the fraudulent science of viruses and/or virology.

For further reading:

  1. The virus – deception at its best! (link)
  2. COVID-19: Open letter to physicians, pharmacists, and laboratory managers (link)
  3. Buyer Beware! (link)
  4. Vaccines efficacy (link)
  5. COVID and science divergence (link)
  6. COVID and vaccines – ask and listen (link)
  7. COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
  8. (Video) Virus, COVID, pandemic, vaccine, and testing: fiction, not reality or science! (link)

A couple of my followers on social media brought, to my attention, a recent publication published under a variety of headings, including news media, seeking opinion concerning the validity of claims made [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

In short, the study describes observations after inoculating the claimed SARS-COV-2 virus to healthy human volunteers to produce the virus effects. 

The study claims that volunteers were “inoculated with 10 TCID50 of a wild-type virus (SARS-CoV-2/human/GBR/484861/2020) intranasally in an open-label, non-randomized study …” [2]

This statement is incorrect and deceitful.

The study did not use the virus but an “isolate.” An isolate means part/portion of the growth culture (gunk) from a swab sample, with multiple ingredients added, including cells or debris, such as Africam green monkey kidney cells (or Vero cells).

Please, follow the (link) to see the description of the “virus.” It uses the word isolate in the title, not the virus, as presumed by the study’s authors.

I previously described the differences between a virus and the “isolate” on my blog. Please see here; (1, 2).

It further confirms that there has never been a virus (SARS-COV-2) isolated, and no virus sample is available anywhere. Therefore, scientifically speaking, the virus (SARS-COV-2) and its illness (COVID-19 ) and its pandemic have been a hoax, as previously described (1,2, 3). The reported study provides further support for such an understanding.

The publication will undoubtedly cause serious damage to the scientific credibility of the journal and study authors. In addition, it will further expose the fictitiousness or fraudulent science aspect of virology.

By making claims about vaccination (SARs-COV-2, or COVID-19), the “scientists” and “experts” have exposed their own incompetence and ignorance that will lead to their demise, and that is a good thing.

Vaccine, at least mRNA-based, is a fancy name for a chemical compound (drug/medicine) or a chemical-based treatment – nothing more. It is a marketing gimmick for selling an irrelevant and useless product that potentially could be highly toxic because of its similarity to chemical compounds present in the body, commonly known as RNA, DNA, gene, genome, etc.

Scientifically speaking, vaccination cannot work and has not been shown to work for the virus – saying contrary to it is simply a lie. Vaccines have never been tested against the virus, in patients or otherwise, including in vitro, because no isolated and identified virus sample is available. Therefore, all claims in this respect are bogus or fraudulent.

Claims of the efficacy of vaccines should be considered like astrological predictions based on stars’ constellations, such as certain constellations may bring good, e.g., one might win a lottery, get a job or not lose a job, unknowingly saved from a car accident, found ones’ love of life, etc. Such predictions have also been claimed to be based on “data.” Similarly, read vaccination provides safety to the community, avoids hospitalization and deaths, protects the elderly (particularly grandparents), brings society back to normality, helps remove the mandates and restrictions, etc. Unfortunately, vaccination can do none of these except presumably killing the virus for which it has never been tested. Hence, all claims about vaccinations are false. This is not an opinion but a scientific fact!

We are passing through an unnecessary and ruinously difficult time. However, that may expose and address the fake and fraudulent science practices of many decades. So let us hope and pray that it (fake science) dies without causing further damage to society or part of the civilization.

For further reading:

  1. COVID-19: Open letter to physicians, pharmacists, and laboratory managers (link)
  2. Calculating the efficacy of the vaccines – deception! (link)
  3. Vaccines efficacy (link)

Recently, I responded to a query in addressing the confusion about the  PCR test and the isolation of the virus (SARS-COV-2), describing,

“It seems to me, a layman here, to be sufficient evidence they did prove this was the virus they identified as SARS COV2.”

The following was my response which I think would be helpful to the site’s visitors as well.

You are not alone in such an assumption. It is very difficult for people to understand, and the narrative is intentional so that people only hear and see what the “scientists” like people to hear and see, i.e., there is a virus that has been isolated.

Believe it or not, even “experts” and “scientists” do not understand the subject/process. It (isolation/culturing/purification/characterization etc.) has never been part of their training or expertise. They are just repeating what they have been told or asked to say.

The process, the “scientists” described in the literature (you noted too), concerns the growth (multiplication) of the (imaginary) virus. It is their imagination, not reality. There is no evidence that they have grown the virus – none. Instead, they take the broth/culture pictures to show or say, look, here is the virus.

The imaginary virus can only be considered real if the virus gets isolated, extracted, or pulled out of the culture or soup. But unfortunately, “scientists” stop at culturing and do not isolate anything.

The mention of monkey cells, primers, and other ingredients, in such publications, is irrelevant and does not relate to the isolation of anything. In reality, if there were a virus, all they would have to do is collect the used face masks and soak them in water. All the virus particles could be drained using conical flasks or separating funnels and then be extracted or isolated using classical and/or modern separating techniques, a common and standard practice of isolating compounds, including medicines, from natural sources. There would not be any need for culturing, PCR, etc. However, the “scientists” would not do it because they know there is no virus/particles.

  1. Buyer Beware! (link)
  2. The ball – aka the virus! (link)

Most, if not everything, of the past two years related to viruses and the pandemic have been based on guesses and rituals (named differently, such as “science,” modeling, virus, sequencing, testing, vaccines, hospitalization, extra-deaths, etc.). They all have been based on the opinions of individuals in high places sugar-coated with computer pictures and linguistic jargon. All guesses (“predictions”) are incorrect in the past and will be in the future.

There was no virus identified or isolated/extracted. Hence, there can’t be disease, including COVID-19, associated with it. It is that simple!

Regarding reports about COVID-19 deaths (e.g., see here [1] for a recent example), it was clear from the beginning (as described on this website as well) that the reported death data lacked accuracy and validity because there is no scientifically valid test available to monitor COVID-19. So please watch the “science” articles and journals with catchy headings and phrases – they are incorrect.

  1. Wang, Haidong, Katherine R. Paulson, et al. 2022. “Estimating Excess Mortality Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Analysis of COVID-19-Related Mortality, 2020–21.” The Lancet. (link)
  2. (2)    COVID-19: Open letter to physicians, pharmacists, and laboratory managers (link)
  3. Is Coronavirus really causing abnormally higher number of deaths? (link, April 12, 2020)
  4. Did COVID cause “excess deaths?” (link, January 25, 2021)
  5. COVID deaths as per science (link, November 6, 2021)

Check out this fascinating new documentary series, The Viral Delusion,  free for a limited time, which features the growing group of doctors and scientists dismantling the illusion of virus theory to understand the real causes of disease – from The Great Plague to Polio, AIDS to COVID (Further details here).

You can now see Episode One for free by clicking (here)

Commonly it is believed and promoted that COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), discovered in 2019 (e.g., see here). However, scientifically, it is an incorrect claim because SAR-COV-2 has never been seen or isolated from any human patient. Therefore, the existence of a (new) disease (COVID-19) is a false claim – there should not be an argument about it.

On the other hand, the presence of the disease or the virus is often described based on testing, particularly PCR, e.g., COVID-19 tests can detect either SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, the antibodies that your body makes after getting COVID-19 or after getting vaccinated (link).

Again, scientifically speaking, it is an invalid statement because no test is conducted or available that can detect the virus (SARS-CoV-2) or its illness. It is impossible to develop a test for something for which the reference is not available. As noted above, as the virus has never been isolated, its reference standard cannot be available. Hence there cannot be a test available or developed for it. It is not an opinion but a scientific fact. Therefore, there should not be any argument or discussion about the lack of availability of the virus test.

Furthermore, the often described PCR test as the gold standard is not a virus or disease test. It is a test for a chemical compound called RNA, or its fragment, from the virus presumably present in the swab samples. Please read this statement again and calmly, i.e., the test determines RNA and not the virus, and it has never been established or shown that the detected RNA is part of the virus. To establish the link between the RNA and the virus, one requires a virus specimen. As the virus has not been isolated, its RNA cannot be isolated or identified either.

If the appropriate RNA cannot be isolated, one cannot have its reference standard. It means one cannot have a scientifically valid RNA test as well. Therefore, a PCR test for the RNA becomes an invalid test. There should not be any argument about this as well.

The positive or negative PCR test result tells absolutely nothing about the virus or the illness. Other mentioned tests, i.e., antigen/Rapid test or antibodies test, have the same limitations. There is no evidence that the detected antigens or antibodies are linked to the virus – both require virus specimen which is not available.

The vaccines development exercises (i.e., clinical trials) are based on the flawed PCR test, not the virus or illness; hence, they become flawed by default. However, people, including experts, do not realize that vaccines have never been tested against the virus and its illnesses. Therefore, vaccines development is based on deception, i.e., vaccines cannot treat anything or protect anyone from the virus. Saying otherwise is a lie – that is why vaccination did not help protect against the virus. Therefore, vaccinated people must follow the same preventive measures as the unvaccinated ones. Hence, their use can safely be discontinued- avoiding well noted adverse effects.

On the other hand, continuing with testing is perhaps even more harmful and tragic. Firstly, using an invalid test cannot provide a valid or relevant outcome – so it is a waste of resources and may cause bodily harm by the frequent nose or throat poking.

Secondly, if the test comes out negative, it may indicate that all may be well. But, on the other hand, if the test comes out positive, it would create an unfortunate problem for proper diagnosis, particularly with people having some associated symptoms. They may be incorrectly classified as COVID-19 patients because the test cannot detect the COVID-19 virus or illness. Hence it becomes a sure case of misdiagnosis. As a result, and as per current policies, people will be treated as COVD-19 patients, often by isolation, when patients might be ill from something else. Lack of appropriate diagnosis could exacerbate the underlying illness, which may become untreatable with time, possibly resulting in death.

The positive test results should be considered a misdiagnosis and need to be discontinued urgently. It is inhumane to continue the COVID-19 testing, particularly when it is unpredictable and scientifically invalid.

Further details (1. 2)