Testing/Science For Better Treatments And Health

Medicines, alternative medicines, drugs, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, tablets, capsules, antibiotics, therapeutics, vaccines, minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, sugars, etc. – all are different names (synonyms) for the word – chemicals. Independent of their source, synthetic or natural, there is no difference.

These chemicals can only be studied by conducting laboratory experiments on isolation, purification, characterization, and testing using chemistry/science principles. However, testing remains the most critical aspect, covering the other three mentioned. Therefore, ensure getting information about such chemicals and their characteristics from people who have strong knowledge of chemistry/science and related laboratory experience.

Medical and pharmaceutical experts lack academic training and work experience on the subject. As a result, they often make enormous errors and false claims (for or against) about chemicals and relevant science.

This is the main and the only cause of the current virus-based pandemic and its treatment – a false and tragic story of a non-existing virus-based illness and its vaccine-based treatment. Chemistry/Science clearly and accurately predicted the fakeness (fraud) of the virus, testing, pandemic, and vaccines at the beginning of the pandemic.

Unfortunately, significant health damage has been done, potentially for the long term, and recovery may not be possible, irrespective of the claims made.

Seek help about chemicals from experts trained in chemistry/science, not the medical/pharmaceutical practitioners who lack the relevant knowledge and experience in this area and have caused the issue to start with.

In the future, please pay attention to the testing claims of an illness (their validity and authenticity) and its potential chemical-based treatments. Then, drugs will be much simpler to understand, relevant, and cheaper to use, and life will be more enjoyable.

Please obtain a copy of Helpful Notes today to learn about the relevant science for medicines.

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