Yesterday someone asked a question about the meaning of isolating the virus. I am sharing the question and my reply here, considering that it would be helpful to the visitors of this blog as well.

Question: Can you please help me understand what is the meaning of isolating the virus? I mean, what does it mean? How should it be done?

Reply: Isolating or extracting something means separating it from other components usually present in the natural environment. It is a standard process or practice to obtain a purified component for further study or larger use. For example, most, if not all, metals such as gold, copper, uranium are isolated/extracted from their ores.

The process of isolation may be explained as follows.  If one takes sugar cane, crushes it, squeezes it to get the juice out, and then concentrates it by boiling. Leaving the concentrate at room temperature will result in the crystallization of sugar as pure white particles. Thus, the process would be called the isolation of sugar from sugar cane.

Concerning the virus, it means that the virus has been separated from the content of the swab sample. In the end, virus as particles should be available in a test tube or vial.  This purified specimen should be used to develop test methods, study illness, and develop treatments, including vaccines.

Unfortunately, this isolation part for the virus has never been done. Hence no pure isolated specimen is available. Therefore, neither tests for the virus can be developed nor the treatments, including vaccines.

Stating otherwise is simply spreading misinformation and promoting fake science.

People, including mainstream “scientists” and “experts,” do not realize that vaccines, mRNA-based or otherwise, have never been tested for their efficacy. To test the efficacy for developing and testing the vaccines, the virus (SARS-CoV-2) must be available in pure isolated form. This is not only a scientific requirement but simple logical consideration as well. It is impossible to establish the usefulness and effectiveness of the vaccines without the use or presence of the target, i.e., the virus.

It is a commonly known fact now that no purified isolated specimen of the virus is available anywhere in the world. Therefore, no one can test the efficacy of the vaccines, and it has not been done either. Saying it otherwise is simply a lie.

The development of vaccines is based on testing against the PCR test, which is not a test for the virus but an RNA/DNA-based marker of the unknown or imaginary virus (commonly known as SARS-CoV-2). The PCR test is an arbitrary “dipstick” type test without any link to the virus, infection, or illness. As the virus has never been isolated, it is impossible to link the marker to it and validate the PCR test for its relevancy and accuracy as well.

Testing and assessing viruses and their link to illnesses and the treatments, as currently described and promoted, reflect ignorance and incompetency of the “experts” and “scientists.” Therefore, the medical and pharmaceutical areas require urgent scrutiny and audit of their scientific claims.

The focus should be treating the illness/infection, if and when it occurs, and not developing the treatments (such as vaccines) for the imaginary virus and its mutants.

For further reading:

COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
The science behind COVID and vaccines! (link)
COVID-19: Vaccine ‘Not Possible’ For A Virus Not Yet Quantifiable (link)