The PCR test and its missing critical component

The PCR test is a fraud – it is a scientific fact.

However, why is it taking long to figure this out? Because “experts” drag RNA/DNA, genome, sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and so-called “science of medicines” into it, which confuses people and forces them to accept and believe whatever gibberish/garbage is thrown at them.

On the other hand, if one considers the PCR test, like any test, the fraud would be exposed immediately. The reason being, a test cannot be developed for anything if a specimen (reference standard) of such is unavailable. As the samples of  RNA and virus (SARS-COV-2) are not available, the test cannot be developed. This is not an opinion but a scientific fact and requirement.

If someone says that they have a test or developed the test for RNA or virus, they must show where the specimen was obtained. In the case of SARS-COV-2 (and others), no purified isolated sample is available. Hence there cannot be a valid test. Anyone saying otherwise is lying. There is no need to indulge in sequencing the RNA, genome, viruses, or variants and their varieties. It is all irrelevant and useless to the testing and/or diagnosis.

If there is no reference standard available, then there cannot be a test. Period! It is the law of science, which is being violated!

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