In general, people follow the views of doctors about the “cause” (diagnosis) of an illness, assuming that they have studied such a subject (science) in detail and depth. Unfortunately, doctors do not study this or any other science. Their education is based on an undergraduate non-science degree (M.D.). Therefore, their views/guesses (for germs or viruses) are as good or bad about recognizing illness and matching for its treatment as anyone else. Hence, the debate continues.

They often describe their “science,” using primarily chemical formulas, structures, and reactions/processes, i.e., the science of chemicals or chemistry. However, from the science/chemistry perspective, these representations are primarily false and fraudulent, effectively causing misdiagnosis (fake illnesses) and fake and faulty, in fact, dangerous and toxic,  treatments.

These irrelevant and dangerous practices by doctors need to stop, particularly all claims of  “scientific research” in various medical institutions.

link, link

I came across this article “Genetic tracing of market wildlife and viruses at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic.” (link)

There are three at least issues with claims made:

  • Genetic virus tracing cannot be done because a virus has not been isolated and characterized. Therefore, the gene cannot be established or traced. The publication makes a false claim about the virus.
  • The virus cartoon in the abstract’s top left corner cannot be true because no sample of the isolated virus is currently available.

    As per the publication, “This study did not generate new unique reagents, but processed data generated for this study can be found in the supplementary files, and reconstructed genomes and phylogenies can be found at the data and code repository associated with this work.” No experimental work was done. But, computer-generated codes/” sequences” were used. Therefore, work was not done with the virus but with computing. (False claim about working with the virus)
  • The publication authors and institutions are related to medical and biological areas/subjects, not science, as commonly understood or implied. The publication may be understood as a science publication, which is incorrect. (link)

Therefore, I stamped it as certified BS’ (link)

medicine, healthcare and pharmacy concept – different pills and capsules of drugs

A drug dissolution test is a test used to establish the quality of a pharmaceutical product, such as a tablet or capsule. This test is conducted because the drug (often called active ingredient) needs to be released from the product for its absorption into the blood to elicit its therapeutic effect.

The test is conducted in place of a clinical test/study called bioavailability or bioequivalence, a pharmacology/pharmacokinetic study type. The test is the backbone of quality assessment of all tablet and capsule products. It is a requirement of worldwide authorities, including the FDA, Health Canada, etc., and pharmacopeias such as USP, BP, EP, etc.
