I watched this interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries (a physician), which is seemingly a popular Joe Rogan podcast. Dr. Humphries strongly supports the virus theory/concept but is firmly against vaccination (link).
My take from the interview is that she is following the current trend of salvaging the dying allopathic profession’s prestige and elite status in society. She talks strongly against vaccines, which the public likes to hear because they have suffered from vaccines (in particular recent COVID-19), at the same time protecting viruses to support the medical profession as a respectable “science-based” profession. A strong marketing effort hence qualifies her as a controlled opposition status.
However, anyone who believes in and promotes viruses is not an informed individual or professional, at least from a science perspective. She strongly supports SV40 (virus), among others, when there is no evidence of its existence. As a doctor (M.D.), she would have a limited understanding of actual science, which caused this misunderstanding.
Making a statement like “Kidney cancers have gone up with SV40” should be considered a personal observation, not a factual or scientific claim, as there are no studies with the SV40 virus, as it has not been isolated or available to study.
She mentioned medical literature concerning viruses numerous times, which, for all practical purposes, is not science literature, as medical science is not a science subject.
Two more comments:
As per Dr. Humphries’s observation, “Of the matter is that all cancers in humanity have gone up since the inception of vaccination,” indicates to me (as I mentioned elsewhere) that it is not cancer increase, but potentially a misdiagnosis of the illness. I believe it is the labeling /branding of traditional infectious (microbial) illnesses as cancer. This assumption led to incorrect treatment, such as chemo. Otherwise, it should be treated with antimicrobial medicines.
As per Joe Rogan’s comment, “There is real science behind all the things you (Dr. Humphries) talk about in your book, such as the nutritional aspects of healthy food being an important factor in your immune system. We are talking about juices and vegetable juices and all the different times that it’s helped people overcome certain diseases and Vitamin A and cod liver oil, which also has vitamin A, which was always prescribed to people that were sick. Like all these things are real science. Like there is real in nutritional supplementation and its effects that it has on the immune system. And there is real science in nutritional deficiencies and this is all real (“science”).
Sorry, Joe Rogan, this is not real science; this is nutritional choices. Real science is studying the physical nature of the world and its substances, mostly at the elemental/molecular levels, which can only be studied by science/chemistry subject and its principles. I would be happy to have an opportunity to sit with you to explain the actual science subject and correct the misunderstandings.
For further information:
Is Cancer An Illness Or An Imaginary (Misdiagnosed) Thing Like Viral Infections? (link)
Doctors’ Science and Medicines – Malpractice! (link)
COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
Who Is Corrupt: Doctors Or Pharma? Check It Yourself (link)
Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)
Vaccine Science: Nonsense And BS! (link)
What is science, and who are scientists? link
Thank God I am not part of a corrupt and ignorant profession … (link)
My training and expertise – people ask! link