Please read and/or listen here (link, link)

I have been telling you that they are not scientists but doctors who do not study science or are not trained in conducting scientific research as part of their education and training, and it is not limited to NIH, but all over, including FDA, CDC, CDER, USP, etc.

Doctors’ Science and Medicines – Malpractice! (link)
COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
Who Is Corrupt: Doctors Or Pharma? Check It Yourself (link)
Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)
Vaccine Science: Nonsense And BS! (link)
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

If this observation or assumption is accurate, then my view is correct that cancer is a misdiagnosed illness. It is a microbial (parasitic) infection. Therefore, ivermectin seems to work as it is a drug usually prescribed to treat parasitic infections (link).

“Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication used to treat parasitic diseases. It is FDA approved for use in humans to treat a variety of parasitic infections including parasitic worms, hookworm and whipworm.” (link.)

Please have a look at the actual science (

More on my view:
Is Cancer An Illness Or An Imaginary (Misdiagnosed) Thing Like Viral Infections? link
Turbo Cancer and Ivermectin and Fenbendazole – A Good Match (link)

Considering the demand for the model spreadsheet I developed, I placed it on my blog for download (link).

The spreadsheet is based on a publication I wrote fifteen years ago to determine/predict plasma drug levels in humans from in vitro drug release (dissolution) testing using the convolution (mathematical) technique (link).

The approach provides a simpler and superior approach for such a purpose, unlike the FDA-suggested, which claims but cannot predict plasma drug levels.  

A suggestion for developing/manufacturing pharmaceuticals quickly and with ease and cost-effectiveness.

A few months ago, I wrote, “ An M.D. degree is a typical non-science undergraduate degree, and holders of such cannot be considered science experts or scientists. Their (“science”) institutions have to be shut down. There is no other option.”

“Seek an audit of the claims of the so-called medical and pharmaceutical sciences; it is the issue (fraud), while viruses, virology, and vaccines are secondary to it.” link

I believe the audit that is needed has started (link). Thank you, President Trump.


If a product (vaccine or any other drug) is considered safe and effective, it must be placed on shelves with other safe and effective products, like food items. If the product does not show its safety and effectiveness, then the consumer/patient must be able to return the product with their money back. The manufacturers must be held accountable by the court for the failure, NOT by the FDA/CDC, because they are part of approving the (faulty) drug/vaccines.

No immunity, as it is a loophole to sell substandard and irrelevant products at a very high price in the name of false (science) claims? It is to be noted that there are no (actual) science or scientific studies conducted in developing and approving modern-day drugs, which is why industry requires immunity.

Science And Scientists (link).


I would agree with such an observation that Ivermectin and Fenbendazole can be treatments for so-called tubo-cancer. I believe “turbo-cancer” is a misdiagnosed illness (based on doctors’ science – the fake science) when it could very well be a microbial infection. As the two medicines mentioned above are known for their anti-parasitic effect, it is not surprising they provide a remedy for the disease, a commonly noted side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Ivermectin and COVID-19 Controversy – Why? (link)
Why Do People Get Sick – A View! (Part 2) (link)
Why do people get sick – a view! (link)

Headline: EXCLUSIVE: FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines (link)

It is a substack article based on “research” conducted by high school students and published in a High School Science Journal. (link).

The conclusion from the article is reasonable, i.e., the vaccine may be contaminated with DNA, which is not new information, as I noted in my article more than a year ago. (link).

The rest of the claims made are quite exaggerated or borderline false, like:

“An explosive new study conducted within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own laboratory has revealed excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

There is nothing explosive here. However, the study appears to have been conducted within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) laboratory. I would not consider it like this – a research study from an FDA laboratory. It is a high school science project where students learn techniques. It is not an FDA study; there is no authorship from the FDA. The authors of the article clearly state

“The content of this publication only contains the opinions of the authors and does not reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Many or most claims are speculative. So, I would leave it here.

In short, the article describes a well-known aspect of DNA contamination of mRNA vaccines. The toxicity of vaccines due to DNA is a weak or unproven argument, but observing DNA suggests potential bacterial contamination causing vaccine toxicity.

From FB (link, ref. @Jason Pickels)

I agree with your undecidedness or perhaps confusion. The reason is that most narratives in the medical area (“science”) are based on biology, which is mistakenly considered science. In this regard, most claims are opinions or, at best, observations (social surveys), not scientific. Hence, people, in general, are suffering from “illnesses” because of misdiagnoses and mistreatments.

Vaccines and vaccinations are false treatments because they are treatments for viruses (a biological opinion or guess) that have not been shown to exist. So, treatment is not treating anything but ends up resulting in poor health because of side effects, in some cases extremely bad.

On the other hand, believing and promoting that germs are “friendly” and do not or cannot cause harm is also a biological opinion or guess, and not treating it as such is also a misdiagnosis leading to bad health and possibly death.

There is hope that these misdiagnoses could be addressed using actual science/chemistry, as the body is based on chemical molecules and reactions, physiology).

So, please do not be carried away with opinions and guesses; focus on actual science/chemistry and seek help from those who know actual science/chemistry. I do not pretend that learning and understanding science/chemistry will be easy. It is a challenging subject but doable with time and effort.

I have been writing about this topic for some time now. You can get help from my writing. If you have questions or require clarifications, I will happily address them as time allows.

Best of luck.

From FB (link, re: Caroline Oakshett)

I appreciate your valuable thoughts and input.

I understand there is great skepticism about the political leadership’s honesty in dealing with the vaccine issues. Perhaps you may be correct that there may be a smoke screen without anything genuine or honest happening.

This time, however, I sense something is different. In the past, such claims were dominated mainly by medical experts (physicians). It seems the role of medical experts is diminished.

Two names that are mentioned for the upcoming administration in the health area are RFK Jr. and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.

Although Dr. Bhattacharya has training in medicine (M.D.), his main expertise is in economics and management.

“Jayanta Bhattacharya (born 1968) is an American physician-scientist and economist who is a professor of medicine, economics, and health research policy at Stanford University. He is the director of Stanford’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging. His research focuses on the economics of health care.” (link).

I consider them both outsiders of the medical field and more towards the business or management side, implying trust in medical experts has diminished in the government. Similarly, Elon Musk is an outsider to healthcare and would probably assist them with his business/management acumen.

I also think that, in general, the public and probably the leadership have lost the trust in medical experts (physicians), knowing, as I often emphasize, that they lied about their credentials and expertise in conducting scientific research. They never studied and trained in science but present themselves as “followers of science” or science experts (scientists) in conducting laboratory-based scientific research. I doubt they will ever recover from the damage of their false claim.

Given this background, I like to be hopeful that there will be a good shakeup of the medical-pharmaceutical complex for the better this time.

Time will tell, and I am hopeful.