This is a response to a query from a FB follower (see the FB post at the end of this document)

Thank you very much for your comment and query. It is hard to give a satisfactory reply, but I will try.

You stated, “And how a common person can distinguish between you and some random pseudoscientist who have zero experience?”

A straightforward answer is that a common person cannot distinguish between the two. There is a huge gap in education and knowledge between the two on the topic.

That is why people with education and expertise are awarded titles and accreditations to show the person (expert) is knowledgeable and trustworthy. This is how the system worked and should work.

When someone is awarded an M.D. degree, it (title) shows that the person is an expert and authority in the diagnosis (for existing illnesses), will correspondingly do a good job, and be caring and honest with the job and the client/patient.


This article is about a year and a half old. I became aware of it today through an email from Dr. Meryl Nass (author of the email and the article). (link)

It is a very long article and is frustrating and boring; I could not continue reading it beyond a few pages. More importantly, it is filled with false information from a physician’s side. For example, stating that:

“I do not know if these viruses leaked accidentally or were deliberately released, but I am leaning toward the conclusion that both were deliberately released, …”

For heaven’s sake, this is 2025, and a majority, including many physicians, do not believe in the nonsense of viruses’ existence or their stories. However, this doctor does.

When will these doctors learn that no scientific evidence is available about viruses? Most likely, they will never, just like they have not learned that they are NOT science followers, experts, or scientists but are indoctrinated to believe in such claims. All of their claims and narratives in this regard are fake, false, and fraudulent.

Please, doctors, critically evaluate your education and training; you have not studied or practiced science, particularly scientific research, to any significant level. You are spreading false and fraudulent information about science. Please stop.

 Physicians And Their “Science” Are Getting Exposed link
Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts link
Selling Of Medicines In The Future – Suggestions link
Few Dare To Announce Unwelcome Truth link
People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? link
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

The safety assessment of the vaccine concept/requirement reflects putting a cart in front of the horse. It is a gross misunderstanding of the subject (science) of medicine development and assessment.

As I described earlier (link), the safety assessment of any medicine comes after assessing its effectiveness. If a medication’s effectiveness or efficacy has not been shown, then there is no point in doing or seeking a safety assessment. The product would not come to the market.

Contrary to common belief, the efficacy of the vaccines has never been determined, i.e., the vaccines, including COVID-19, have never been tested against the viruses (as virus samples are unavailable); hence, vaccines and their vaccination are false and fraudulent practices (link). They need to be stopped immediately.

Suggesting their safety assessment defies logic but supports the vaccination, with potential harm to recipients.

Please consider seeking advice and help from people with knowledge and expertise in science/chemistry working with medicines (chemicals), including vaccines, avoiding further damaging people’s health due to ignorance, practicing false and fraudulent science, and unethical vaccinations (link).   

@ … they [physcians] know what you [the people, even the actual scientists] couldn’t possibly know.” That is the sales pitch doctors use as priests of the church of Medicine (“Science”) link

On the other hand, these priests have never studied or practiced science (or medicines/chemicals) that they sell. Their education and training are based on a non-science undergraduate degree to write prescriptions, similar to a clerical job.

Watch the video, recommended, but please focus only on the message.

Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts link
Selling Of Medicines In The Future – Suggestions link
Few Dare To Announce Unwelcome Truth link
People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? link
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

A few months ago, I wrote, “ An M.D. degree is a typical non-science undergraduate degree, and holders of such cannot be considered science experts or scientists. Their (“science”) institutions have to be shut down. There is no other option.”

“Seek an audit of the claims of the so-called medical and pharmaceutical sciences; it is the issue (fraud), while viruses, virology, and vaccines are secondary to it.” link

I believe the audit that is needed has started (link). Thank you, President Trump.


Is an axe coming? I believe an axe (sledgehammer?) should be coming.

The agency is based on doctors’ science, which is fake and false, as doctors do not study or are not trained in science and scientific research. The agency has lost its credibility as a science-based organization during the (fake) pandemic based on a fake (scientifically invalid and fraudulent) test and developing or accepting a vaccine use without testing them against the virus or its illness or infection.

People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? (link).

People trusted the medical profession and professionals (physicians) and believed in them as science followers or scientists. Considering their claims as scientific, people accepted that viruses and pandemics exist, that vaccines (developed by physicians) are needed, and that they work to treat illnesses (pandemic) like COVID-19.

Unfortunately, they (physicians) lied. They never studied or worked with science. All the claims, like virus isolation or existence, (PCR) testing, pandemic, vaccines, lab-leak theories, gain of function research, etc., have no scientific validity and are fictional narratives.

So, the issues should be addressed accordingly.

Vaccines Against Viruses – How? (link)
Physicians as Scientists: A Hideous Claim: (link)
Misinformation By Physicians – A Need For An Audit (link).
What is science, and who are scientists? (link)


I would agree with such an observation that Ivermectin and Fenbendazole can be treatments for so-called tubo-cancer. I believe “turbo-cancer” is a misdiagnosed illness (based on doctors’ science – the fake science) when it could very well be a microbial infection. As the two medicines mentioned above are known for their anti-parasitic effect, it is not surprising they provide a remedy for the disease, a commonly noted side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Ivermectin and COVID-19 Controversy – Why? (link)
Why Do People Get Sick – A View! (Part 2) (link)
Why do people get sick – a view! (link)


Neither do you, Joe Rogan. I am sorry. Even those who differed and considered themselves scientists were not scientists and provided false science narratives. Would you give me a chance to explain what science is and where medical experts went wrong?

What is science, and who are scientists? (link)
My training and expertise – people ask! (link)

Headline: EXCLUSIVE: FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines (link)

It is a substack article based on “research” conducted by high school students and published in a High School Science Journal. (link).

The conclusion from the article is reasonable, i.e., the vaccine may be contaminated with DNA, which is not new information, as I noted in my article more than a year ago. (link).

The rest of the claims made are quite exaggerated or borderline false, like:

“An explosive new study conducted within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own laboratory has revealed excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

There is nothing explosive here. However, the study appears to have been conducted within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) laboratory. I would not consider it like this – a research study from an FDA laboratory. It is a high school science project where students learn techniques. It is not an FDA study; there is no authorship from the FDA. The authors of the article clearly state

“The content of this publication only contains the opinions of the authors and does not reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Many or most claims are speculative. So, I would leave it here.

In short, the article describes a well-known aspect of DNA contamination of mRNA vaccines. The toxicity of vaccines due to DNA is a weak or unproven argument, but observing DNA suggests potential bacterial contamination causing vaccine toxicity.