This is a response to a query from a FB follower (see the FB post at the end of this document)
Thank you very much for your comment and query. It is hard to give a satisfactory reply, but I will try.
You stated, “And how a common person can distinguish between you and some random pseudoscientist who have zero experience?”
A straightforward answer is that a common person cannot distinguish between the two. There is a huge gap in education and knowledge between the two on the topic.
That is why people with education and expertise are awarded titles and accreditations to show the person (expert) is knowledgeable and trustworthy. This is how the system worked and should work.
When someone is awarded an M.D. degree, it (title) shows that the person is an expert and authority in the diagnosis (for existing illnesses), will correspondingly do a good job, and be caring and honest with the job and the client/patient.