I have worked in medicines/pharmaceutical areas for almost 40 years, including 30 years as a Research Scientist at Health Canada. My research involved developing, validating, and applying tests related to pharmaceutical product evaluations for regulatory assessment purposes. I have contributed to medicine, primarily chemicals, as any other scientist in chemistry, such as publications in peer-reviewed journals, participated in and led scientific conferences worldwide, and received awards.

Based on my expertise, I have expressed my concerns clearly and openly about the lack of science in pharmaceutical product assessments. In short, claims made by regulatory authorities, including the FDA and Health Canada, about product safety, efficacy, and quality may be regarded as invalid, false, and fraudulent.


Recently, in one of his podcasts, Dr. Cowan (an M.D.) invited doctors, virologists, etc, to submit their evidence supporting claims that the virus has been isolated (i.e., it exists), which, in his view, has not been isolated (i.e., it does not exist), considering the “Scientific Method”  approach (link).

This is not new, i.e., asking for a debate, but it seems more formalized and perhaps with better marketing effort. Continue here.

People will not believe it, but it is true and a fact that universities hardly teach about medicines and science for a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree.

More astonishing is that academia promotes doctors as (medicine/chemical) science experts or “scientists” without teaching them about the science of medicine (chemistry). No wonder the mRNA vaccine resulted in such a disastrous blunder and an extreme tragedy. It is a tragedy of ignorance and incompetence.

A doctor’s role as a science expert or researcher must be stopped immediately, as it is a fraud. Doctors should only practice what they are trained to do, i.e., hearing/watching the symptoms, seeking relevant test results, and then writing up matching prescriptions from memory or through Google.

Medical professionals are among the least educated and knowledgeable about science. Prove me wrong!

More (here, here, here, and more)

The question is: When medicines are approved to be safe and effective, why can’t they be sold like any other safe and effective product? Why are they placed behind the counter like tobacco products? Why does one have to pay a service fee to bring the medicines from behind the counter to the front of the counter? Why cannot they be sold through vending machines, online, or chemical stores (medicines being chemicals) and reviewed by users and independent, knowledgeable third parties?

They cannot be because everything associated with authorities’ approved (allopathic) medicines will go bankrupt in no time, as no substantiated and independent scientific evidence is available to support their claims of their quality (by extension, safety and efficacy). Authentication (valid scientific testing) is not part of the medicines development and manufacturing system.

I have been saying this for the past 20 years about pharmaceutical products such as tablets and capsules. mRNA vaccines are the current and the best-documented example of this fraud. Medicines are sold on an as-is basis – with priesthood-type claims, i.e., science has been done, viruses exist, and vaccines work. When the fact is – that no science has been done, the virus does not exist, and vaccines cannot work. Science, its training and practice, is not part of the medical and pharmaceutical professions and practice. The public and “experts” have been living with lies for the past some decades.

No wonder developers and manufacturers require strong legal protection/immunity from expected damages (“adverse effects”) as medicines/chemical products are developed primarily under the guidance and supervision of (medical and pharmaceutical) experts who lack the needed expertise in science/chemistry.

Auditing by independent third parties, such as those having analytical chemistry-based expertise, considering medicines are chemicals, is urgently needed (more).