An Extraordinary Step’: White House Mulls ‘Preemptive’ Pardon for Fauci” (link)

One thing is clear: fraudulent activities have occurred, as has been pointed out repeatedly through my blog (link) and the Book “Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon” (link). For example, (1) False and fraudulent story of the existence of the COVID-19 virus (and others); (2) Use and promotion of fraudulent testing (PCR, Antigen, etc.); (3) Development of vaccines and declaring their efficacy without testing them against the virus, infection and or its patients.

The other most critical aspect is that physicians and medical experts, internal and external to governments worldwide, claim to be science experts (scientists) when their training and education are based only on a non-science undergraduate degree.

I watched the video for a few minutes and got frustrated and bored. This is another video of the recent fad about the past wrong restrictions on using cholesterol/fat, which is now considered good. (link).

The reason for my frustration is the comments he made:

(@0:35) “If we use good scientific studies, then we shine as a profession …”

(@12:53) “When you’re a scientist like myself, we do lots of research on my team at John Hopkins …”

But he is educated and trained as a physician with an M.D. degree, not a scientist (link, link, link, and more). I can clearly see that most of his comments are not based on (lab-based or experimental) science but opinions with descriptors, such as “maybe,” “possibly,” and “potentially.” The rest is for you to judge for yourself. I could not continue for another hour.

Like a celebrity, Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a high-profile physician (cardiologist) from the U.K. Recently, I had an opportunity to watch his interview on YouTube (link). I am disturbed by his advice about maintaining good health.

The first part of his interview is mostly about vaccines, particularly COVID-19. He is highly critical of COVID-19 vaccines, presumably because of a family incident. Otherwise, he fully supports vaccines and vaccination, saying, “Some of the greatest achievements in medicine are traditional vaccines, no doubt.”


Dr. Malhotra made the following claim in an interview link (1 hour and 09 min).

“Some of the greatest achievements in medicine are traditional vaccines, no doubt.”

I would request that Dr. Malhotra provide supporting evidence for his claim. It is an incorrect claim.

The fact is that vaccines have never been tested against the viruses or their illnesses. The simple reason is that no sample of the viruses or their patients is available. For example, when developing the COVID-19 vaccine, medical researchers could not find the virus or COVID-19 patients during the pandemic. The vaccines were developed by testing in healthy humans, and this practice continues. How could the efficacy or usefulness of vaccines (or any other treatment) be established without testing them on patients or against the virus? It cannot be.

Further information in support of my request may be found here.

  • Vaccines efficacy (link)
  • The science behind COVID and vaccines! (link)
  • Should FDA, and other authorities, approve the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccines? – A scientific perspective (link)
  • The FDA Committee’s Review of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine: Unscientific, False and Deceitful (link).
  • Science: Facts to Know (link)

Dr. Aseem Malhotra On Vaccines

I just finished watching this two-hour-long interview. I am sorry to say I am thoroughly saddened and disappointed by it (link)

However, the good thing is that the interview provided firm support for my argument that the medical profession is a non-science-based education and training, where observations or collection of observations is considered scientific research or study, which is not in line with actual (experimental) scientific education, training, and practice.

A significant part of the interview is about COVID-19 and its vaccination issues. Dr. Aseem Malhotra firmly believes in and supports concepts and practices related to viruses and vaccination. In his view, “This (vaccines) stuff works.” “Some of the greatest achievements in medicine are conventional vaccines.” However, he considers the COVID-19 vaccines to be an exception.

Sadly, it is a very well-known fact that viruses do not exist, and vaccines have never been tested, or cannot be tested, against viruses or their illnesses as they are unavailable or non-existent. This is not an opinion but a scientific fact.

I will be careful in seeking and accepting opinions from medical professionals on the subjects discussed.

My comment on the article ((link)

As I wrote in one of my recent blog posts (link), worldwide authorities, including the FDA, CDC, USP, etc., drug approvals are not based on scientific investigations or logical considerations but on compliance with their arbitrary requirements and standards.

There is a gross misunderstanding among the public, including medical experts, that the approved products are based on science (advanced or sophisticated). Not at all. They set up some arbitrary standards and then showed some laboratory work, pictures, and numbers (mostly unrelated) to make their claims “sellable.”

A recent example is the COVID-19 virus. Authorities first assume (when there is nothing) that there is a virus and then develop some experiments, like culturing, “sequencing,” PCR, pictures, etc., to say there is proof for the virus.

No toxicity/pathogenicity of the virus has ever been established because no virus sample is available (link). Similarly, vaccine safety and efficacy cannot be established as no pure and isolated vaccine (mRNA) sample is available. Safety and efficacy are assumed/imagined (link).

It’s all fake and false (medical/pharmaceutical science). Use caution when listening to medical/pharmaceutical (doctor’s science) experts.

Often, one hears such announcements, i.e., FDA approves, concerning drugs and drug products from the FDA and other similar regulatory authorities. People, including physicians, assume that the FDA independently evaluates the products and that the claims (safe and effective) are based on scientific studies or evidence.

Unfortunately, it is not true.

An approved drug product does not mean it is safe and effective, but it only means that it complies with the FDA requirements for putting its label or stamp for approval. In short, approval is for compliance mostly with arbitrary standards and requirements that do not reflect the products’ quality (by extension, safety and efficacy). Prove me wrong!


It is a common perception among the public and experts, particularly in health and medical areas, that having a Ph.D. makes one a scientist. This is a very wrong view or assumption.

A Ph.D. degree is a higher level of education and training after an undergraduate level. With a Ph.D. degree, the person may be considered an expert in the subject. For example, a Ph.D. in history or literature would not make a person a scientist but an expert in the subject.

Similarly, a Ph.D. in medicine does not make a physician a scientist but an expert in practicing medicine, which is generally training and education in writing prescriptions based on observing symptoms and reading diagnostic test results.

Being a scientist means having extensive and exhaustive education and training in science. It is ascribed to studying the fundamental units of matter or bodies such as atoms, molecules, sub-atomic particles, etc., that is, the study of physics and/or chemistry with mathematics (link) using validated tests.

Anyone who does not study and practice chemistry and/or physics (with mathematics) cannot claim to be a scientist or science expert. Such a claim should be considered quackery or fraudulent and treated according to the laws.

Medical science, pharmaceutical science, health science, biology, virology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacy, etc, are a few examples of fake and false science.