I am sorry, the surgeon is talking foolishly (link).

The subject is science/chemistry, which he does not understand. There is no virus, including SV40. It does not matter if Pfizer goes down three or 300 floors below.

Another point is that it is inaccurate to pass the blame on to the industry (Pfizer). FDA/CDC, which physicians dominate, have been approving vaccines, including COVID-19, falsely and fraudulently for decades. However, vaccines have never been tested against the viruses or their illness, including COVID-19, and this is a fact. The vaccines and vaccinations are fake and fraudulent, at least scientifically; They must be stopped ASAP.

Doctors’ Science and Medicines – Malpractice! (link)
COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
Who Is Corrupt: Doctors Or Pharma? Check It Yourself (link)
Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)
Vaccine Science: Nonsense And BS! (link)
What is science, and who are scientists? link
Thank God I am not part of a corrupt and ignorant profession … (link)
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

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