Dr. Malone And Vaccines: An Interesting And Timely U-Turn

I can feel in my gut that Medical Complex (medical experts/scientists/doctors) is standing dangerously close to the edge of a cliff, ready to slip and disappear into the wilderness. They are desperate and playing trickery for their survival, so much so that vaccine expert Dr. Malone is asking to support RFK Jr. (considered an anti-vaxxer) link. For example, saying:

“The current measles outbreak is being weaponized just like Polio, Covid, and every other manufactured crisis before it—to drive a narrative and push policies that benefit the pharmaceutical industry.”

“The foundations of vaccine science and policy are deeply compromised, yet they are presented as absolute truths.”

“There were countless wrong ways to handle this and only one right way—and Bobby chose correctly. Now is the time to rally, not to fracture. We all need to trust him to have our backs. In that, we have to have his.” Wow. That is a biggy.

However, by a desperate attempt to save the remnants of failed medical science (fake and fraudulent), Dr. Malone, like many others, is passing the blame onto the pharmaceutical industry. For example:

“Our scientific institutions have been captured by pharmaceutical interests and no longer serve the people.” Note that there has been no science in the (medical ) science institutions, like NIH/ CDC/USP/FDA.

“Pharma-backed science is currently serving as the foundation for our health agencies’ policies, and has led us directly to the mess in which we currently stand.”

Sorry, medical science is going into ablation, not pharma, which will return to its roots in chemical manufacturing without dictation or control from nonscience/nonchemistry experts (doctors and medical experts). It will manufacture chemicals classified as medicines, with full scientific/chemical attestation and accreditation, which medical experts destroyed.

The beneficiaries of all this will be people who will see the disappearance of many high-cost medications (false medications), including vaccines, chemo, etc., because their fakely invented diseases and fraudulent science and scientific research will disappear. 

A big sigh of relief for the public if this trend holds on.

Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)

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