Often, one hears such announcements, i.e., FDA approves, concerning drugs and drug products from the FDA and other similar regulatory authorities. People, including physicians, assume that the FDA independently evaluates the products and that the claims (safe and effective) are based on scientific studies or evidence.
Unfortunately, it is not true.
An approved drug product does not mean it is safe and effective, but it only means that it complies with the FDA requirements for putting its label or stamp for approval. In short, approval is for compliance mostly with arbitrary standards and requirements that do not reflect the products’ quality (by extension, safety and efficacy). Prove me wrong!
For example:
- The quality of pharmaceutical products, such as tablets and capsules, is based on drug dissolution testing. The test has never been shown to link to the product’s quality (link, link, link, link, and more here).
- The test used to establish the existence of a virus or its illness has no link to it. It is all based on arbitrary standards for compliance purposes. It has nothing to do with the viruses or their illnesses (link, link, link, and more here)
- Vaccines have never been tested for efficacy (effectiveness) against their viruses but are approved for meeting some arbitrary requirements (PCR test), link, link, link, and more here.
Why are such false and fraudulent claims not being challenged? It is because they are not allowed or accepted, with the understanding that safety and efficacy claims are based on advanced and highly sophisticated science that is only understandable and enforceable by “medical scientists,” in particular, physicians.
However, physicians do not study or are not educated in science – very critical to note! (link)
All claims made by regulatory authorities, including the FDA, are based on the understanding that physicians are knowledgeable in relevant science and are making appropriate judgments. It is a false/incorrect assumption. Hence, most approvals, if not all, are fake and false, at least scientifically.
The only solution to get out of this unfortunate situation is when the authorities consider a medicine safe and effective., i.e., approved for sale; the products must be sold by placing them beside other safe and effective products, such as food, dairy, etc., and be open to third-party evaluations like any other consumer products.