“At Last, a Mainstream Media Article that Mentions a Direct Link Between Covid Vaccines and Cancer (link).”
I read this article with great interest, written by Dr. Angus Dalgleish (MBBS), a senior physician specializing in oncology, immunology, and HIV-related virology (link).
Note that his expertise is based on two things: medical credentials (a non-science undergraduate degree, MBBS) and HIV research, i.e., working with a virus, like many others, including COVID-19, which has not shown to exist.
It clearly shows that Dr. Dalgleish would have limited or no expertise in science. Therefore, although the observations described may be correct and relevant, such an article should not merit a scientific assessment.
From a scientific perspective, it reflects opinions and guesses, like the existence of the COVID-19 virus, its testing, development, and claim of safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines. It is critical to note that no scientific evidence shows that mRNA vaccines even contain expected mRNA (link). It is an opinion or a guess. So, it is unclear whether mRNA/vaccines cause cancer.
In this regard, one should also note that cancer itself is a vague or undefined illness – based on pictures (biopsies), like the identification of viruses based on pictures of cultures. Clear, defined, or valid scientific evidence is lacking.
On the other hand, the mRNA vaccine’s toxicity appears to result from a poor manufacturing process. They (vaccines) are most likely contaminated with bacteria (as indicated by the presence of DNA in vaccine vials) used for manufacturing; however, they are not properly removed (link).
Therefore, there is a strong possibility that cancers, as well as heart issues/inflammation, are misdiagnosed, but illnesses are effects of bacterial infections. This serious oversight must be considered more thoroughly by actual scientists and may be treated accordingly, like with antiinfectives. Antiinfectives have been described as successful in treating so-called COVID-19 or its vaccine toxicities (link).