If medicine is declared safe and effective by medical experts (aka physicians) or regulatory authorities (another title for medical experts/physicians), then such products should be placed in stores along with other safe and effective products (like meat, vegetables, dairy products, processed items, ketchup, candies and cookies, salad dressings, harsh chemicals like sink cleaners, detergent, paints, etc.) for anyone to buy as needed.

Why does a customer have to pay someone to hand over the (safe and effective) medicines from the shelf to them? Why can medicines not be delivered directly from the manufacturers to the consumer, just like so many other safe and effective products such as food (pizza, drinks, etc.)? Like any other safe and effective product, they are all chemical-based products produced by processing industries.

Furthermore, if medicines do not work as claimed or expected, then there should be an option for their return, like other safe and effective products. Why do these products come with a non-return policy and protection (immunity) for suppliers/manufacturers/physicians for the harm they may cause?

Think about it!

The reason is that these products are developed, assessed, and manufactured by medical “science” experts, “scientists,” or under their guidance. However, they do not have the scientific knowledge, training, and experience to develop, assess, and manufacture these products. If you disagree, then prove me wrong. In short, they are handled by those unqualified for the job, requiring protection from expected mishaps (lacking efficacy and safety).

Logically, as medicines are chemicals or chemical-based, they should be developed, evaluated, and manufactured by experts in science/chemistry. They will happily do the job and deliver their products directly to the users/patients with relevant guarantees—a much better option than the current system, which causes massive health and financial issues worldwide.

A revolutionary idea for drug delivery efficiency and an economical alternative!

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