Article: “Even When It Came to Children, German Government Ignored Own Scientists to Impose Strict COVID Vaccine, Mask Mandates” (link).
I scanned through the article because of the word “scientists” in the title. However, there is no science or scientists in the article, except the views of some who claim to be scientists (I believe self-declared) and their narratives (surveys/observations).
I would like to emphasize that someone with a Ph.D. in a subject does not qualify as a scientist. The person may be considered an expert in that subject. For example, someone with a Ph.D. in biology or medicine may be regarded as an expert in biology or medicine practice (prescription write-ups) – not science. Similarly, adding the word “science” in a subject, e.g., political science, computer science, health science, etc., would not make these subjects science subjects or people having expertise scientists. It is incorrect, and such labeling should be avoided. It causes enormous problems (e.g., false claims of illnesses and their treatments) and gives a very bad name to actual science, its work, and scientists.
In a true sense, science subjects include physics, chemistry, and/or mathematics, working at fundamental/basic levels with extensive and exhaustive hands-on experience in laboratories with physically existing substances.
Fake and false science produced fake and false outputs, such as viruses, tests/testing, pandemics, and vaccines. Actual science has played no role in such narratives/discoveries. In fact, science/chemistry accurately described their nonexistence and irrelevancies.
Please use caution when reading the words science and scientists, particularly in modern medicine and its literature. They are all fake and false—there are no science or scientists.
- Doctors’ Science Requires Audit and Accountability (link)
- What is science, and who are scientists? (link)