Pharmaceuticals/drugs/medicines are often pure (potent) chemicals that are nonphysiological and can be detrimental to normal body processes (reflected as adverse effects/reactions), as can natural products and ingredients, especially if taken in large amounts and for extended periods.
In general, allopathic drugs are developed and should be prescribed for their acute effect to minimize or avoid their serious effects. Further scientific research is needed to understand the mechanism of drug actions or interactions (good or bad) to address the harmful effects of drugs and, by extension, develop safe and efficacious medicines.
Note that drugs are chemicals in nature, and the body’s processes are based on chemical reactions, so appropriate studies should only be done by those having expertise in science/chemistry. However, this did not happen; the medical profession took over it (science and research), and actual science and scientists were effectively kicked out and practically barred from it.
Unfortunately, the medical profession does not have the needed education, expertise, or experience in science/chemistry, and its research has made a mess of it (science). To cover/hide this fakeness and fraud, it has developed its own version of science using false terminologies.
It created all kinds of new disciplines, such as clinical science (clinical trials), health science, pharmaceutical science, public health science (epidemiology), pharmacology, pharmacy, immunology, molecular biology, and vaccinology, to name a few.
It should be noted that all the abovementioned disciplines are based on fake and fraudulent science/chemistry. In general, they are all based on medicine (chemical) testing, and anyone trained in analytical science/chemistry can see and say confidently that all the disciplines and their studies are fake and false as they are all based on phony testing (fancy name diagnosis). However, this view has not been considered and has been rejected forcefully.
The COVID-19 virus, pandemic, and vaccine development are just the latest outcome of this fake science. Fakeness or fraudulence of these can easily be explained considering the fraudulent use of science/chemistry (analytical chemistry), which I have been writing about for the past four years, and more so in general for almost fifteen years.
The so-called medical science uses clinical trials (“studies”) as its testing approach, which are scientifically not valid and cannot be controlled (controlled studies) – a scientific requirement. Clinical studies use human bodies as test instruments (machines), ignoring a fundamental difference between the two. A machine is a controlled instrument that is consistent, constant, or fixed from instrument to instrument, but the body is individualistic and varies from person to person, often hugely.
A simple drug absorption study (commonly known as a pharmacokinetic/bioavailability study) may be an excellent example if one likes to observe body variability from a medical perspective. It would commonly show a variability in access of 30%. I have explained this in detail here (link).
This is only for drug absorption, i.e., transfer of drug from tablet into blood, not for drug actions, i.e., the body’s interaction for efficacy and toxicity, which could be orders of magnitude higher. Such variabilities result from many factors, such as diet, lifestyle, race, age, illness, etc.
Anyone with basic knowledge of science and its research would not consider clinical trials as controlled or scientific studies. Science works with basic units like atoms and molecules, which are the same and consistent internal and external to the bodies. These units have been fully characterized by scientific studies over many decades, or even centuries, and provide needed consistency.
Suppose one likes to study an item, especially from natural sources such as body tissues, plants, food, or chemicals (pharmaceuticals). In that case, they must study based on atoms and molecules that are precisely the same internal and external to the body, i.e., constant.
But physicians/virologists/biologists do not study the science of atoms and molecules (chemistry); hence, they lack this understanding but promote, in ignorance, clinical studies (“controlled clinical trials” blinded or not) as a gold standard of “scientific research” – simply a nonscientific claim.
For example, this is happening in the current debate on ivermectin use for COVID-19 treatment. One group claims it is a toxic and dangerous drug (link), even though it has been approved drug by authorities and has been in use for many years. Suddenly, toxicity studies started to appear to discredit it, apparently to make way for a “new” treatment – vaccines.
The other group claims ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-18, with all kinds of supportive “studies” (link). It is hilarious that ivermectin has never been tested against COVID-19 because there is nothing to test against the virus or its illness. It is such a sad situation, and no one can question or address the issue because everything has to be reviewed by medical peers (buddies) – without any knowledge and understanding of the actual underlying science. In short, there is no medical science or medical scientists, but the fake and fraudulent practice of science/chemistry causes the invention of fake and false illnesses and, correspondingly, their fake and false assessments of treatments, like vaccines and many others. The only way to get out of this situation is to immediately stop any science or research claims associated with the medical profession and move back to simple and age-old tested treatments like improved hygiene, antibiotics, food and its components (like vitamins and other micronutrients) and other simple chemical molecules based medicines only on an acute use. Any future research or claims in this area must involve actual science and its experts so that the recent and earlier debacle of illnesses and treatment can be avoided.
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