Today’s news: Is this the paradigm shift you are looking for? link

Dr. Fauci’s name has been synonymous with viruses. It seems that Dr. Fauci’s departure from CDC/NIH also equals the departure of viruses, as these are non-existing creatures anyway.

I am sure that the CDC/NIH institutions, disappearance will soon follow, as these institutions have been based on fake and false science and lied about science for five decades.

And as I wrote here recently (link), vaccines have no scientific basis. Therefore, they must go – all of them. There is a good chance of it. Time will tell.

There is a growing trend in physicians apologizing for their errors (vaccination). However, they do not understand the actual cause of the error (link).

The main reason is that doctors believed and presented themselves as science experts or scientists without having knowledge or training in related science or scientific research – the science of medicine, which is chemistry. They lied about it and still do. It is a fraudulent activity they have been involved in for at least five decades, causing untold damage to public health and wealth.


As noted in the slide above, it is commonly perceived that the Pharma corrupts medical journals and doctors.

I suggest people please be calm and consider this view, i.e., doctors are corrupt and have corrupted the journals and Pharma. I know doctors, including other experts, will be upset and angry with me hearing this. But please, before reacting, consider the following facts.


My take on Dr. Bhattacharya’s comments on the Senate committee hearing from the article is as follows: (link)

Dr. Bhattacharya stated that he fully supports children being vaccinated for diseases like measles.

It is unfortunate that Dr. Bhattacharya believes in measles (virus). The opinion reflects his medical education and training, which taught him to believe in viruses and the reason for infection or illness (measles), for which there is no actual scientific evidence. I hope he will reconsider his long-held belief in medical science, which, in reality, is fake and false science.

About the link between autism and vaccination, he stated, “I don’t generally believe there is a link, based on my review of the literature.”

Again, it reflects his dependence on medical literature, which has been shown, more so recently, troubling, i.e., factually weak or false.

I suggest he seek help from actual science, chemistry, the fundamental science for medicines, as medicines are chemicals, including vaccines.  

I wish him the best for his role in a highly prestigious assignment.

More on my views may be found here (link)

Let us first check if the vaccines have been evaluated/tested and shown effective against the claimed virus or its illness. No (actual scientific) study or data is available for such a study. It makes the use of vaccines fake and fraudulent. Therefore, the products must be withdrawn.

There is no need to conduct safety studies for an irrelevant and useless product. Such a product should not be on the market. The question to ask is, how did the CDC/FDA approve such an untested product for marketing?

Moreover, conducting appropriate and valid “safety” studies would be impossible from a technical perspective. Are there valid safety makers, and are their scientifically measurable and validated tests available? Literature does not provide evidence for such.

Furthermore, considering the requirement of a huge sample size, many healthy volunteers will be exposed to (presumed/suspected) adverse/toxic effects, a serious ethical issue that will prevent such a study from being conducted.

Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)
Vaccine Science: Nonsense And BS! (link)
Do Not Get Caught In Vaccine Safety Hoopla. It Is A Trap! (link)
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)

A thoughtful comment by Steve Bashir (a Facebook follower) adds value to my view/post; hence, it is attached below. Thank you, Steve. (link)

“How does one identify and analyse the molecular and genetic structures of microbes, proteins, cells, and other chemical structures? Which is the basis of the scientific understanding of illness, drug development and testing. What’s that called? It’s called chemistry folks. But somehow, chemistry and chemists are left out of the process. What does that tell you right there? It tells you what they’re doing in medical research is unscientific and fraudulent.

-Steve Bashir”

I can feel in my gut that Medical Complex (medical experts/scientists/doctors) is standing dangerously close to the edge of a cliff, ready to slip and disappear into the wilderness. They are desperate and playing trickery for their survival, so much so that vaccine expert Dr. Malone is asking to support RFK Jr. (considered an anti-vaxxer) link. For example, saying:

“The current measles outbreak is being weaponized just like Polio, Covid, and every other manufactured crisis before it—to drive a narrative and push policies that benefit the pharmaceutical industry.”

“The foundations of vaccine science and policy are deeply compromised, yet they are presented as absolute truths.”

“There were countless wrong ways to handle this and only one right way—and Bobby chose correctly. Now is the time to rally, not to fracture. We all need to trust him to have our backs. In that, we have to have his.” Wow. That is a biggy.

However, by a desperate attempt to save the remnants of failed medical science (fake and fraudulent), Dr. Malone, like many others, is passing the blame onto the pharmaceutical industry. For example:

“Our scientific institutions have been captured by pharmaceutical interests and no longer serve the people.” Note that there has been no science in the (medical ) science institutions, like NIH/ CDC/USP/FDA.

“Pharma-backed science is currently serving as the foundation for our health agencies’ policies, and has led us directly to the mess in which we currently stand.”

Sorry, medical science is going into ablation, not pharma, which will return to its roots in chemical manufacturing without dictation or control from nonscience/nonchemistry experts (doctors and medical experts). It will manufacture chemicals classified as medicines, with full scientific/chemical attestation and accreditation, which medical experts destroyed.

The beneficiaries of all this will be people who will see the disappearance of many high-cost medications (false medications), including vaccines, chemo, etc., because their fakely invented diseases and fraudulent science and scientific research will disappear. 

A big sigh of relief for the public if this trend holds on.

Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)

If this observation or assumption is accurate, then my view is correct that cancer is a misdiagnosed illness. It is a microbial (parasitic) infection. Therefore, ivermectin seems to work as it is a drug usually prescribed to treat parasitic infections (link).

“Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication used to treat parasitic diseases. It is FDA approved for use in humans to treat a variety of parasitic infections including parasitic worms, hookworm and whipworm.” (link.)

Please have a look at the actual science (

More on my view:
Is Cancer An Illness Or An Imaginary (Misdiagnosed) Thing Like Viral Infections? link
Turbo Cancer and Ivermectin and Fenbendazole – A Good Match (link)

@ “What we need is transparency, truth, and toxin-free food.”  (link).  

Can you handle the truth and transparency that medical/pharmaceutical science is fraudulent or con artistry? Once it is agreed upon, the following issues will be resolved quickly and efficiently.

@ “You know who I am talking about. Should the State mandate that such a person not eat these things, despite the clear-cut health risks? Should the State outlaw cigars? And what about regulating foods? Where should MAHA draw the line?”

More info (link)

Watching such meetings or interactions (link), one critical thing missing is that medical experts on both sides of the table do not realize that medical education does not have a science subject as part of its curriculum and training.

Medical experts are blinded to this critical fact that they do not study or are trained in science/chemistry – the basic science subject of the body and medicines, including vaccines.

Another mistake is that when they refer to basic science, they assume biology, which is not a science subject but biology. Studying particles (viruses) and medicines/chemicals, including vaccines, is a flawed and false approach within biology, resulting in disastrous outcomes such as the COVID-19 virus and its associated vaccines.

All the claims have been found untrue; for example, the claim of vaccine efficacy as highly effective when the vaccines have never been tested against viruses, as no one had samples of viruses and/or their patients infected with them. The claim of developing the treatment (vaccines) is a false and scientifically fraudulent act. Vaccines are not medicines or treatments but a concoction, soup, or gunk of known and unknown potent chemicals and biological components that very well can be related to witchcraft/sorcery.

This critical flaw has not been caught because all such studies/testing remained within the medical faculties, which lacks understanding of science subjects but keeps doing the non-science studies, assuming they are scientific – as medical experts define for their profession or convenience. 

The science (basic science) that deals with such things as particles (viruses) and molecules (RNA, mRNA, spike protein) is chemistry. This (true and basic) science has not given a chance to address the issue.

However, from a science/chemistry perspective – viruses, testing, pandemics, vaccines, and vaccination, it would be immediately apparent that all the claims made in this respect have been scientifically false and fraudulent. It is inaccurate to conclude that a virus exists or is present. It is incorrect to have a valid test without the availability of the virus sample. Moreover, getting a vaccine without the virus’s or its patient’s availability is impossible, but it is a lie.

In short, medical experts have nothing to show for the past 5 decades of their “scientific” research. However, they seem to discuss similar studies to assess safety and efficacy further.

The point is that one cannot study anything, including safety and efficacy, as virus samples are unavailable; the suggestion of testing for safety becomes superfluous because the efficacy has not been tested or cannot be tested. Hence, vaccination becomes obsolete. Then why would one need safety studies?

A more relevant study one could conduct at this stage is to stop vaccination and observe the disappearance of the “side effects” or prevailing sicknesses in society. Amazingly, no further funding for such a study would be required, aligning with the current US policy of cutting wasteful spending. A strong case came to be made that an epidemic of serious illnesses, like cancer, cardio, infections, etc., could very well disappear. There is nothing to lose with such a study.

In the end, it is critically important to note that one should not seek any further advice from medical experts related to science or scientific research. Such an undertaking will save millions of dollars, restore public health, and clarify the future role of government agencies like the HHS/NIH/FDA.

Physicians And Their “Science” Are Getting Exposed link
Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts link
Selling Of Medicines In The Future – Suggestions link
Few Dare To Announce Unwelcome Truth link
People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? link
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link