People do not realize that it is not only COVID-19/Ivermectin, as an example of so-called clinical trials, but most, if not all, will be shown to be invalid. As I have explained several times, the reason is that clinical trials are a specific type of analytical (chemistry) test. Unfortunately, these tests/trials are done and promoted fraudulently as valid and scientific. Proper analytical tests require precise and quantifiable outcomes (endpoints) using VALIDATED analytical tests/methods.

In the case of current practices of clinical trials, there is no such thing – neither an objective and qualifiable endpoint (but mostly subjective symptoms or arbitrary markers) nor validated tests (but non-validated and irrelevant tests such as PCR, drug dissolution). Hence, a valid clinical or scientific trial cannot be conducted, particularly under the guidance of medical experts and related regulatory authorities who lack the necessary training and understanding of the subject/testing.

Do not forget the disastrous failure of the clinical trials and the vaccine development for COVID-19. The catastrophic outcome of the vaccine was accurately predicted based on the understanding of flawed PCR tests and the analytical or scientific aspects of clinical trials (link, link, link, and much more at

Further information may be found here: Helpful Notes and the Book by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing, among other specialties.

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