This is a response to a query from a FB follower (see the FB post at the end of this document)
Thank you very much for your comment and query. It is hard to give a satisfactory reply, but I will try.
You stated, “And how a common person can distinguish between you and some random pseudoscientist who have zero experience?”
A straightforward answer is that a common person cannot distinguish between the two. There is a huge gap in education and knowledge between the two on the topic.
That is why people with education and expertise are awarded titles and accreditations to show the person (expert) is knowledgeable and trustworthy. This is how the system worked and should work.
When someone is awarded an M.D. degree, it (title) shows that the person is an expert and authority in the diagnosis (for existing illnesses), will correspondingly do a good job, and be caring and honest with the job and the client/patient.
Similarly, if a person has studied extensively and has done extended (experimental) work in a science (chemistry and/or physics) laboratory, that person is awarded a Ph.D. or Doctorate. Usually, this work is highly specific and often difficult to follow by others, particularly common people. Therefore, it is usually left to people with similar expertise to judge and evaluate. This often results in publications, and such people (experts) are often engaged in higher-level subject-specific consultations. So this provides authority and expert status to that person.
Note that both are designated as doctors but have very different expertise. Experts with Ph.D. degrees are regarded (at least used to be) as having higher intellect and status. In contrast, others (doctors and physicians) are more popular and respected by common people as service providers in a time of need.
There is nothing wrong with such an understanding – science develops and produces ideas (valid and scientific knowledge) that are transferred to doctors and engineers to apply to daily life uses.
However, a shift occurred around the sixties/seventies, when nonscience disciplines started labeling as science and even awarding Ph.D. degrees as science degrees to gain prestige and elite status often reserved for Ph. D.s in science.
There is nothing wrong with awarding or having a Ph.D. in any subject, like medicine, history, engineering, etc. However, the person would be an expert in a particular topic but not be considered a scientist, which is reserved for a specific group of subjects (physics and chemistry), as I explained here.
A very clever (sneaky) thing that occurred in the health area is that they started labeling nonscience subjects with science, like medical science, pharmaceutical science, health science, biological science, and many more. It means anyone who studies these subjects becomes a science expert or scientist. An even more interesting aspect is that these people are not even required to have a Ph.D. to be considered science experts or scientists.
Most M.D.s fall in this category. It is hard to say this, but there is no other way of saying this: this shift is undoubtedly a fraudulent act. Now, the experts in this category consider themselves “scientists” without studying science and training in scientific research.
Further deterioration occurs when others start portraying themselves by associating with doctor scientists or reading a couple of old publications, not to learn from them but to be critical of them (often genuine scientists).
Fantastic, one does not even have to study anything remotely relevant to science but spit out some buzzwords repeatedly like “science,” “Scientific Method,” “independent variable,” “foundational work, or papers,” contagion, denying germ theory, on and on.
More importantly, they demand that the validity of actual science/chemistry be proven to them by showing floating some structural formulas of chemicals/molecules in front of their eyes. Otherwise, the credibility of actual science cannot be considered or accepted. I view these experts as the least knowledgeable about science. Efforts must be made to avoid them.
The medical experts took over the government organizations and labeled them science-based departments, like the FDA and other similar health departments in other countries. I challenge anyone to prove how and why departments like CDC/NIH/FDA are science-based. They cannot. They have developed their (arbitrary) definitions to decide or reject science, which has nothing to do with actual science, just to fit themselves in it.
So, we are in a mess where nonscience (i.e., fake and fraudulent science and scientists) rule. The current science is run only by such experts, primarily physicians. Genuine science and scientists have almost disappeared from the scene.
Anyone mentions the word medicine (or vaccine), and here come medical experts (physicians) to take over, with no further option or second independent or third-party opinions allowed. Considering medicines are chemicals, they will now be in the hands of total strangers to science/chemistry.
So, the science of medicine is completely in the hands of illegitimate experts who can freely decide what they feel like. No one can challenge them, even if they kill or paralyze people in hundreds and thousands, rationalizing that they know it all and it is for the good of society with maybe a “few (!)” minor hiccups.
The point is that science right now is in the hands of nonscience experts, and nothing is working or genuine, and nothing will work, and the public pays the price often with their health, wealth, and life.
The only solution that comes to mind to address this corrupt situation is disqualifying them as science experts or scientists. They should only be allowed to practice what they have been taught: to diagnose and write prescriptions (compensated accordingly for their service) for drugs purchasable from any accredited chemical supplier or manufacturer. No more physicians managed scientific research projects or funding approved, which has been the lifeline of this fake and fraudulent science.
It appears that under the leadership of RFK Jr. at HHS, this is happening. It is a genuine hope. I hope it will materialize.
Now, coming back to your question:
” And how a common person can distinguish between you and some random pseudoscientist who have zero experience? This is the main problem because people can be fooled by those pseudo experts even with titles/degrees.”
As I said earlier, it is tough for a common person to differentiate, especially without some studying or learning about the topic. However, I suggest the following:
Explore the person’s (pseudo-expert) background indirectly, as often they get very offended if one directly asks for their education or expertise on the topic (because they have none). If they have no significant education in science/chemistry or have medical and related subjects like biology, ignore them.
They do not even understand what you are asking or discussing; they are very ignorant. They have bought into fake and false science propaganda and ruined their health (life) and their loved ones. They cannot help or listen to your view, guidance/suggestions.
On the other hand, I agree that finding actual and relevant science/chemistry experts or scientists is extremely hard; however, if you find one (from friends or family), ask them to look into the claims made by the medical experts if they agree. I am sure they will be shocked to see medical science’s absurdities, which they never knew, and will explain to you the reality.
I have been doing this for a long time and feel I am helping many. I see significant success in this regard. Many people have started seeing the fraud and the reality of medical science. It’s a baby step but destined to be a giant step. Ameen.
Have faith and remain blessed.
Saeed Qureshi I know you have experience and I am not questioning your expertise, in fact I am grateful that you are so honest and brave. But you see many people call themselves reasearchers or scientists and have the titles, schools, but they in their whole life they have never done anything in research and have zero experiences in science. Their life is full of reading the doubtful studies and claiming that they are somewhat smart because of that, and experts. So even people who claim that they are chemists or scientists are not all equal. And how a common person can distinguish between you and some random pseudoscientist who have zero experience? This is the main problem because people can be fooled by those pseudo experts even with titles/degrees. I know about you only because I was learning about viruses last 5 years and not from official sources, and found you, and it was like finding a drop of water in the desert. But common people can’t know who is a good scientist and who is an idiot or a person who has zero experiences in research. They are in mainstream media, telling people delusions, and they don’t tell the people that they have absolutely zero experiences from research. And for people the title is the title. Oh he has a title/degree he must be right. People don’t know how viruses are “isolated” people don’t know how tests are created, so how can they spot a liar or a dishonest scientist or a fool if they have no information? Even a fool can deceive you if you do not understand what he is saying. And the people will say, how can you question this scientist? How dare you? I will reply – ,,because i know that what he is claiming is not true.” And even if you have a title they will make a fool from you like through covid, all people who were telling something other than maistream were mentally ill or dangerous disinformators according to government. I wrote about your book Slaynig the virus and vaccine dragon or www site many times in my country.
But those people which are calling themselves scientists are so dumb that rather to think about your arguments and facts they will say that you must Be senile or they use any idiotic insult. It is not only dishonest but even idiotic. Sometimes I have a feeling that in my country only idiots or mentally rigid people have the titles and the common people who work manually if you explain to then your points in easy language they will get it before those who have degrees from universities. I don’t understan how is it possible to not see that cultivation is not isolation and why till today virologists deny it. They looking like a fools in my eyes and after years if people will be beter informed virologists will be looking like the biggest idiots on the planet (link).
Doctors’ Science and Medicines – Malpractice! (link)
COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed! (link)
Who Is Corrupt: Doctors Or Pharma? Check It Yourself (link)
Vaccines: Useless But Dangerous Soup/Gunk That Must Be Purged (link)
Vaccine Science: Nonsense And BS! (link)
What is science, and who are scientists? link
Thank God I am not part of a corrupt and ignorant profession … (link)
My training and expertise – people ask! link