Below is my response to a doctor’s FB comment. I thought this would be helpful to my followers, as well.
@ “Thank you but you are a chemist not a doctor …”
Thank God I am not part of a corrupt and ignorant profession that considers itself a science or science-based profession without studying any relevant science or its research aspect.
@ “what is true in pure chemistry does not necessarily translate to in vivo …”
Not true. How do you know? Have you ever tried working in a chemistry lab with your own hands? Please share your experience so I can see why and how you reached this false conclusion.
@ I have been told by scientists …”
So you are relying on others, considering them scientists. You do not have your own work or experience. How did you establish that others you trusted as scientists are indeed scientists? Do you have the credentials to judge others as scientists? How?
@ “such as fish viruses have been isolated and identified.”
Incorrect. No virus has been isolated and/or characterized.
Why did you mention fish viruses, not human ones, like COVID-19? You should be providing examples from human samples.
@ “I have no knowledge of you you or your interests. I know mine only to tell the truth.”
I am sorry, you are telling your knowledge, NOT the truth. The truth is that isolation, be it viruses/particles, RNAs, or spike proteins, and their characterization belongs to science/chemistry, which, as a doctor, is not part of medical training; you cannot tell the truth about these substances (chemicals), but telling what you have been indoctrinated and told/trained to believe or say.
Concerning the claim of virus isolation, I responded to Drs. Michael Palmer, M.D. and Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D., you may know them, clarifying their misunderstanding. I have not heard back from them yet. I understand that they are quieter on the topic now (link).
In short, please reconsider your thoughts about science in the medical profession. Actual science/chemistry is either missing or grossly misrepresented by these professions. (link). Comment I responded to:
Gerry Waters
Saeed Qureshi . Thank you but you are a chemist not a doctor and what is true in pure chemistry does not necessarily translate to in vivo . I know there is an infectious agent ,call it a virus if you will. I have been told by scientists that I trust with no skin in the game that viruses such as fish viruses have been isolated and identified. I have no knowledge of you you or your interests. I know mine only to tell the truth. (link)