Time To Dismantle And Rebuild With Science And Logic

Going through my earlier posts, I found some (early 2020) posts that may be helpful reads where I accurately predicted the fakeness of the virus, pandemic, and vaccine development. For example:

Is Coronavirus really causing abnormally higher number of deaths? (April 12, 2020), (link)

What is wrong with the following scenario? (May 7, 2020), (link)

Will therapeutics/vaccines be developed for COVID-19? Of course – but only fake ones! (May 31, 2020)

My views were based on the underlying science of medicine (medicines being chemicals). I wish authorities and experts would have considered my views that could have avoided the uncalled-for tragedy of colossal human suffering (health and financial).

With extreme distress and frustration, I say that authorities and experts, in ignorance, are still promoting false vaccination for an illness (or virus) that does not exist. Their claims were, and still are, based on fake or fraudulent “science.” It seems to have become an issue of ego and greed, not science, which requires urgent attention – time to dismantle and rebuild with science and logic.

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