The current opinion on vaccine efficacy is that vaccination is not effective as anticipated in controlling the positive PCR test results (aka infections) or the spread (aka person-to-person transmission). However, the new “flavor” is that it (vaccination) certainly works but requires a booster shot. The “works” mean reducing severe illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths. Note that vaccines have never been developed and evaluated against these endpoints during clinical studies. These are just afterthoughts, not science-based reasoning, to promote and justify continued vaccination.
The claims appear to be based on the recent observations from hospitals’ activity, not from a controlled or valid laboratory or experimental study. However, an experimental (scientific) study to support the claim can easily and quickly be conducted by administering the virus to live healthy animals, if not humans, or using cell cultures to show that animals or cells react as claimed (illness or death). Ever wondered why such a simple study is not done or even considered. The reason is that such a study will require a sample of the virus that does not exist. Do people need any more evidence for the fakeness of the virus story and its illness or pandemic?
The absence of virus specimens could also explain OSHA’s recent suspension of the vaccination mandate (link).
The court ordered that OSHA must show that the emergency regulation is necessary to protect employees from “grave danger” due to exposure to “substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful.” (link) That is, the court ordered to prove the existence of the toxic agent (virus) and its hazard – OSHA could not provide the proof.
Therefore, consider requesting the virus specimen from the scientists and the experts (through court) – pandemic and vaccination will go away like a poof!